An encouraging verse sent by a friend...Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Video from Sarah

If you have trouble viewing video try moving the slide bar over a bit. Sometimes it gets stuck.


  1. Sarah, I wish I could describe what your journey has meant to me. Yours and Bob's witness has been a great source of encouragement to me. I KNOW God will continue to be your strength. Keep praising Him. He has placed you on my heart, and I think of you several times a day. I'm praying for you. We are all praying for you. You guys are surrounded. Take comfort. Thanks for the updates, and this video. It was nice to see you! God bless Ethan as he continues to grow. Isaiah 40:1, 3-5, 21-31. Psalm 103:1-5.
    Love - Heather :)

  2. Sarah,

    Thank you for your transparency and reachig out to your friends at this time so we can share your burden with you. My whole family loves you very much and we will continue to lift you up in prayer and precious Ethan and Bob, Anderson, and Lyndsey.

    We love you and pray God's perfect will for you.

    Mark (for the Sohmer's)

  3. Sarah ~ What a gift to check the blog this morning and get to "meet" you through your video!! I got to know Bob a bit during my two years at UNH (93-95), but did not get to know you. The Lord has grabbed my heart with all that you are going through right now and I feel like I am in a season of experiencing what it means to "pray without ceasing". God has been bringing you to mind so often throughout the day - a song on the radio or a conversation with a friend - or simply my daily tasks - will lead me to drift back into prayer for you. My heart aches for all that you and your family are going through in this difficult journey, and yet there is a deep, almost overwhelming, rejoicing in knowing how powerfully the Lord is working in your hearts and the hearts of everyone surrounding you. You are a beautiful woman of Christ - a true witness of his love and faithfulness! Press on Sarah!
    With much love and a great big hug!
    A sister in Christ, Megan
    PS LOVE the graph of Ethan's weight!! Up hill little one! Up hill!!
    PPS I wish I could COOK for you and stuff your freezer full of yummy meals as you think about heading home soon. But seeing as I'm in MD and you're in NH...that won't I'll be praying that others surrounding you close by will be anticipating and joyfully meeting many needs at home - cooking, cleaning, helping with the kids! :)

  4. cast all your cares on HIM ,he cares for you...i know all these verses are certainly easier to listen to/when they are not directed at you but we are praying for the results of that ct scan today the hunters

  5. Sarah-- It is so good to see you and hear your voice. I have known you for over 18 years. I have always looked up to you and admired you for your commitment to God and your family. Even more so now as I see the way that you have trusted God through such immense trials in your life.

    I have found myself thinking and praying for you often throughout the day. I have also found myself being more content with life and thanking God for what he has provided instead of asking what is next. I find that your journey has opened a whole new journey for me that I am now embarking on and I can see God starting to "mess" with me a lot :).

    Thank you for being willing to share your private story with all of us and allowing God to move through you to touch others.

    Get Well.......Laura

  6. I don't even know you only thru Jason and Cassey Reed. But, I just need to say what a blessing your family has been to me personally in seeing how you are dealing with this whole situation. God's Grace and finger prints are over this and we are excited to wait and see all that He chooses to do through your family.

  7. Aw! So wonderful to see you up and about and in the solarium! I'm so proud of you!

    And girl, only you could look so cute in a hospital gown!

  8. Thank you Sarah for being real with us, for setting an example for us. Praise God for what he is doing in your life, the way he is touching us through this experience. May he ever guide you and be near you. You are Loved and being lifted up in prayer.

  9. Sarah,
    Great to see you. Loved the video. Thanks for sharing it with us. Do it again sometime and tell us how things are going with your recovery. And maybe soon you'll be able to sneak the baby in there with you. It is a way for you to reach a lot of people all at the same time.

  10. Sarah and family,

    You don't know me, but I heard about you from the prayer network at our (seacoast area) church. You've been on my heart constantly since you started this blog; please know how much you've all been in our prayers.

    Unfortunately, the link is broken to Sarah's video-- after a few seconds, it stops and won't restart for me. I hope to be able to see it at some point, but meanwhile, I'll be praying for Sarah and Ethan and the rest of your family-- God's grace is sufficient, but I know how much it helps for other believers to come alongside.

    God bless you all, Judy

  11. Praying for your "stillness" as you await the news. We're all waiting with you.

    -Mary H

  12. Oh, Sarah, I've cried every night praying for you, Bob, and the kids, and of course this video brought me to tears too. It was so good to hear your voice and here you speak about how you're coming through this, on top of all of the touching, open postings from Bob. You are so very right that you have changed so many of us through this experience.
    I also just saw that the CT scan looked good--more tears, of relief this time.
    I know tons of people back here at home want to help you and Bob out any way we can--perhaps you can designate a point person in each circle and have them coordinate with the masses, so it's easier to have your needs filled?
    Now praying for your continued healing, and your adjustment back home.
    Love Karen, Randy, Emily, and Luke

  13. I can't tell you how excited I am that the CT scan results are normal, and you're ALL heading home. Woo hoo!!! Praise Jesus. :)

  14. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! We are SOOOO thankful for your good CT scan results! We think of you and pray for you all day and night (considering I'm still up often in the night with my little guy! ;-)) We all love you and will continue to pray.

  15. PRAISE GOD!!!!(Copying Tara above)...Rejoicing with you that your Catscan came back the way it did! It was good to see you and hear your voice for 4 seconds. We, like someone else above couldn't listen to it, but I look forward to when it works. We love you lots. And I am sure you will have lots of people begging to help you, but add me to the list of "to call" if you need anything!!! Glad you are going home to enjoy your kiddos!
    Love you all lots and still praying.....

  16. All praise lifted to the Most High today! We share your relief and thankfulness that the scan was clear!! Sarah you are so strong through Him! We will keep lifting you up in prayer knowing He hears us and loves you so very much! ~Louise

  17. Yay! I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. I am so thankful the scan was clear. Praise God! I can't wait to see you guys in person and snuggle little Ethan. :) We miss you and will talk to you soon.
    Lot's of Love ~ Carol and family

  18. Sarah and Bob,
    Thank you so much for the video. Kelley K. and I both had a chance to watch it and cried! Sarah, you beautiful, faithful woman of God--please keep leaning on Jesus. He is your strength, and with him you are awesome!
    Bob, you have been an outstanding help-mate. We are awed.
    All four of us are having a party at your good CT scan news. Praise God! What a wonderful gift!
    Sending lots of love to you and the children!
    In Him, Christy, Megan, Mark, and Holly

  19. Sarah, It is SO great to hear your voice and see you. I have been thinking about you and praying for you throughout everyday! It is hard not to get in my car, drive to Mass General and just hug you! I know that you need your rest now and you have a lot of people around you, so I won't do that : ) but that is how my heart feels. So, it is really great to get to hear your voice and see your strength. Please know that I am available to watch Louises kids for her ANY time you need her. She loves you so much and I know what a great friend you have been to her and we both really want to help you. I also just want to say that I agree 100% with what Megan (Treanor) Crowley said in her comment. My prayer life has changed, I have been more focused on praying and how to pray and how to listen too. And It is because you have allowed us to be a part of your journey and to pray for you. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless Bob and your beautiful children. You and Bob are such a testimony to them and to all who are following your story.

  20. We simply want to say Thanks so much for sharing with us some of your hardest times. Know that we love you and are praying for your family!!
    God Is so great and love you more than you'll know. His plan is perfect and timing amazing!

    Please!! Let us know if we can help you in anyway-
    Needing meals- grocery shopping, babysitting- anything.
    Take care and Enjoy Home when you get there!!! : ) YAY GOD!!

  21. Hey Sarah - SOOOOOOO good to see and hear you! We are thinking of you all EVERY day and sending you much love. ~Jill, Dave and Aidan

  22. God is so good, all the time. Although he allowed this serious health crisis, he's been so faithful to answer all the prayers being said on your behalf, for mercy, healing, provision, and courage-- it simply takes my breath away to see his sovereign goodness at work in your lives.

    Thank you so much for this blog. I hope you realize the wonderful evangelistic tool it's become, and that as you see people's faith being built up through it, your sacrifice will start to seem worth it.

    God loves you so much, and so do I.

    In Christ, Judy

  23. Sarah and Bob~
    I am amazed by your transparency and faith through all of the struggles before you. It's a true testimony to the power of faith in someone's life. Thank you for being able to share your experience and your faith in this way. We are praying for you knowing God is hearing and answering our prayers! He is good all the time!

    You are the light in a dark world and this blog proves that unequivocally.

    Jesus be with you!

    Steve & Wendy Bradley

  24. Sarah, You are so beautiful inside and out. Loved the video, just seeing and hearing from you was wonderful. Take good care of yourself, you don't have to be Super Mom for a while. You need to heal and feel strong again. Love you girl, keep up the hard work. Love, Aunty Dianna

  25. still upholding you and your entire family in prayer.
    Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.

