An encouraging verse sent by a friend...Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting back to our old lives

Our first day at home, well at least for Sarah, I went to work. It was only a half day for me since it took me all morning to get out the door. Getting back into the groove of things is proving to be harder than expected. Even my car didn't want to get going. The battery was completely dead after sitting for a couple of weeks.
So, I was thinking. Should we go back to our old routine? Should we try and make life the same as it was? Are we supposed to pretend nothing has changed, just harder because we have a premie and Sarah cannot get around like she used to? I think to try to go back to normal is to turn our backs on more opportunities to watch God work in real and immediate ways. We cannot go back now. We are by no means out of the wilderness yet. I think we have just scratched the surface of needing God.
How about you? Are you going to go back? I know that God has touched so many of you during this journey. Many of you mentioned to us that you are now beginning to understand what the scripture means when it says, "pray without ceasing" (I Thes 5:17). I don't believe that Sarah and I are so special that God wanted all of you to follow our story and pray for us (although all of this outpouring of your love is also a demonstration of His love for us). Truly this cannot be because we deserve your prayers or God needs them in order to intercede. I believe God is using your compassion for Sarah and I as a means of drawing you closer to Him. He just wants each of us to come to Him, talk to Him, know Him intimately and see Him work in our lives. He is clearly calling us into a closer relationship with Him through this experience.
So, how do we determine a "new" routine? We have been asking God for what we want (Sarah's and baby's health), now let us ask Him what He wants (particularly since time seems way too short before chemo starts). Please pray with us, that we all will continue seek God's will for our lives daily.


  1. These two verses came to my mind right after reading this post.
    Ephesians 5:15-17 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.
    Colossians 3:1-4 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

    This is a verse that I read yesterday that I felt God wanted me to share with you guys too:
    "God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering."
    -Genesis 41:52B

    The Leos LOVE you guys and are praying.
    (And, what a beautiful video above! Thank you for sharing that with us. Seeing our children love one another is such a gift isn't it?, especially when they are loving by sharing Jesus' love and words with one another.)

  2. Amen and Amen. Thanks for the reminder. May we all pray every day for what HE wants us to do that day, and with our lives.
    Praying for you always - Heather :)

  3. Bob & Sarah, What was normal for you before will never be that way again. You will never be living life the same way because you have been changed and we may never know why God put you on this journey, but the way you are facing your trials I am sure is the right way. God has a plan for you on this journey, follow His path to whereever it takes you and know how much you are loved. It makes my heart feel so good to see you sitting around the table with the kids and enjoying Ethan. I am so glad that you are home Sarah, take care of yourself. I love you all. Aunty Dianna

  4. Dear Bob & Sarah,
    I have been following your story from the beginning and want to say how much my faith has been enhanced through your journey. I work in the office at Raymond Baptist Church and a person who was struggling with her faith came to visit. I showed her your latest post and she totally awed by your faithfulness. Thank you so much for all you share. Janice Hedman

  5. Bob and Sarah,
    You have been on my heart and continually in my prayers ever since my sister-in-law, Louise, told me back on March 1st. I have been praying daily for you and also that through your testimony and the prayers of His people, lives will be changed (including mine) and drawing closer to Him. Here is a fitting and timely quote and verse from my calendar a few days ago.

    "If I am abiding-spending time alone with God and His Word-then my heart is being trained to ask for the eternal things of God."-Cynthia Heald

    "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."-Jeremiah 33:3

    There is more ahead for you both but to the praise of His glorious name, look how far you've come!

    praying with you,
    Mary Beth (Beal) St. Louis

    ps-Bob, thanks so much for keeping us up-to-date with this blog. You've truly helped us all stay 'connected'.

  6. Thank you Sarah, for allowing your personal and family information to be shared via internet.

    Your need for prayer, at this time, was brought to my attention by a member at Gateway Alliance Church in Plymouth, NH. May God's Best be yours.

    I would like to share something that I became keenly aware of yesterday, during my personal Bible Study time.

    After Joshua followed God's instruction to bring Isreal across the Jordan River (parting the waters......etc); God commanded all the males to be circumcised. All of the men who came out of Egypt had been circumcised, but the males who had been born during the '40 year wilderness journey' had not been circumcised!!! For 40 years, no action had been taken to do God's Law and Commandment (circumcision on the 8th day after birth of male babies)..........and during all that time, God had defended, protected, and provided, for Isreal. How about that!!! But, before they could inter into the 'Promised Land' of Cannon, they had to be circumcised.

    Whatever you need, God has it for you. He provided it for you through Jesus Christ (His Sacrifice, His Blood, His Resurrection Power).....The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit planned it so that we could have the 'Aboundant Life'. God's Word is forever established/settled in Heaven. Our part is to be 'Willing and Obedient' to Him. He has given us Authority and Dominion.......St John 16:33, Romans 8:37, I John 4:4

    Hold fast the confession of your faith. I know there is Victory in Jesus. Whatever He says to it (St. John 1:2-11)

  7. Hello Sarah,
    I don't think you know me but I taught your brother Daniel and sister Beth Anne at Good Shepherd. Liz Shortle told me about your situation I have been keeping updated via this site. I wanted to share that I am a cancer patient as well. I have been fighting breast cancer since 2004 and Am still fighting the cancer. I can tell you from experience that it is like a roller coast week to week. Keep God in the center and you will always see the light at the end of the tunnel. by the way I had b/g twins that were premies my DD was only 4lbs 6 oz and is know in fourth grade and just like all the other girls her age sassy and fiesty.
    I will keep you and your family in my prayers I believe that God has some thing special in store for us as vwe travel the Journey of Cancer.
    GOd bless you and your family
    Lori Sorkin Farrell

  8. Bob and Sarah,
    This will be my 3rd attempt at posting...for some reason my computer won't let me...but I wanted you to know that I've been praying for you, as has my church, and we are so encouraged by how God is moving through your family! I recognize this wonderful peace you have in the middle of the biggest storm of your life...I've been there...and it is reassuring to know that you are truly clinging to God! My thoughts and prayers are with you--Sarah, if you ever feel up to chatting, please give me a call--no pressure though...I KNOW you must be exhausted and very busy trying to establish some sense of normalcy...Bob, I am so glad to see God working in your life as a husband and father...We will be praying for wisdom and discernment as you decide how to move forward...

    God's blessings!
    Kim Hermonat

  9. Bob and Sarah,

    Your children are so very sweet. I can imagine how wonderful it is to be home again with them and not seperated by distance. Congratulations for that and congratulations for comming as far as you have. I know there is still a long road ahead, but knowing it is lit by Gods unceasing love and peace and knowing you are on the journey He has planned for you is comforting I hope. I have changed through sharing this experience with you. I never truely understood fasting in prayer until I fasted for Sarah on the day of her surgery. It is amazing how God works b/c I was reading the book of John, at that time, and the part where Jesus talks about not needing manna because He is all we need. I understood this in such a different way than I had ever understood it before, and my day of fasting was so wonderful! I prayed for Sarah all day and I felt SO close to God! Before I saw fasting as a sacrifice, but now I see it as a constant reminder to fix my eyes on Him ALL day long. How wonderful! This is just one way God has used your situation to bring someone closer to Him, and I won't let your suffering be in vain, I will con't to pray for you and your family and I will con't to seek God and His plan for my life. Thank you both for letting God use your life.
    ~ Sarah (Traynor) Barr
