An encouraging verse sent by a friend...Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chemo Update

We've found that once again things don't go as they seem they will when we're talking about medical procedures here. It can be very frustrating, but God is helping me keep my cool for the most part. Maybe some of it was that I was so emotionally exhausted yesterday that being angry or frustrated just wasn't going to happen. I am so thankful that I have 2 weeks off before coming back as my tolerance for the pricks and proddings is very low. By the end of the day, my eyelids were red and puffy - not attractive. Oh well.

My 10:30 procedure ended up being at about 11:30. The staff was very nice (although the IV placement nearly sent me through the roof; the nurse said "This is gonna hurt pretty good" as a warning. She was right, but at least it didn't hurt after it was in.). I wasn't aware of any of the port placement, another good thing. I felt such relief when it was over. We ended up waiting in a shared waiting area for another 3 hours as my bed wasn't ready for me on the cancer floor (in spite of assurances that a bed would be ready around noon - something must have happened that they didn't expect). So, this gave it time for the litakain to wear off, and the nurse gave me 2 Tylenol to take care of the pain. Needless to say, when I ended up on my floor, my nurses retruned me to oxycodone for the next 12 hours. Thank You, Lord. Also, while in the waiting area, there was a 5 year old boy in the curtained area beside me. He was havigna really tough time, and my heart was full of gratitude that my children are not dealing with cancer in this way.

So, last night, I had infusions of both drugs, starting at 7 pm. I had been warned that some people get sick adn throw up during the infusions or afterward. I was really praying against this, and God spared me. Although I feel sick to my stomach, the medications help. I'm hoping this will be the worst of it as I'm receiving my second bout of the 2 drugs right now...queasy but not puking. We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning. (If I had received my treatment even 1 hour earlier yesterday, I might have been able to leave tonight, but God knows best.)

During the afternoon, they disconnected me from the IV pole so that Bob and I could go get some fresh air. He wheelchaired me over to Yawkey 9 where there is a store for cancer patients. I bought a cute hat that might be a cooler option for dressing up more but not wearing the wig (maybe if the wig needs a break). It was tiring but good to get out just a little bit. Bob broke the wheelchair comign back across the construction sidewalks. Fortunately, we were able to trade out for a fresh one petty soon. 8)

So if all goes well, tomorrow we'll be home before noon and my worst struggles will be a week or so of fatigue and slight nausea. One cycle down!


  1. Thanks be to God that so far the chemo treatment has been tolerable, all things considered. We will continue to pray that you have minimal side effects, and that God continues to send you precious small moments to see you through all of it, day by day.
    It continues to amaze me how you face all of this with such perspective, grace, and beauty--inside and out, as everyone has said :). Hopefully knowing that your (and Bob's) courage and faith gives others the will to try to accept and persevere in their own circumstances gives you additional courage and strength. In each other we are strong.

    All our love and prayers.
    Karen, Randy, Emily, and Luke

  2. Jean Gagnon and FamilyMay 7, 2009 at 11:04 PM

    well you both are strong ! im not sure if Mark and I could do al you have. But again with God's grace we'd make too. :) you ALL are ALWAYS in our thoughts and our prayers! God bless and I pray you get rest tonight and have a good weekend!

    here is a hug from me to you! left hand on right shoulder, right hand on left shoulder, squeeze! :)

    chin up. there i hope i brought a smile to you both!


  3. GOOD JOB, Sarah, I am sure it wasn't easy but you made it through the first one. Now hopefully things will go a little easier because you know what to expect.So now you can relax and enjoy time with your family to gear up and be ready for the next round. love sara wilson

  4. You are right, Sarah - "One cycle down"...Good Girl! I am so proud of your strength and perception! I pray you will feel minimal discomfort if any during these next two or so weeks and that you can really enjoy this time at home with your family before your next cycle!

  5. you go girl! hey, we still need to get those pedicures... :)

  6. Thinking of you, my Sarah!

    I've appreciated your candid comments. Praying that God will grant you an extra measure of grace and joy in the next few days.

    Touching story for you - yesterday I had to have my blood pressure taken as part of this "healthy returns wellness fair" that we had yesterday - it's a followup to the October session in which we set 5 measurable health goals. I wasn't very confident going in, knowing that if I achieved 4 of the 5 goals I'd get a $50 gift card. Well, the one goal that I thought I'd reached for sure was my blood pressure, which last week was normal. It's been super stressful with graduations, ceremonies, etc and needless to say my blood pressure was extremely elevated. She told me to relax and think of a happy thought and she'd take it again...well, I closed my eyes, took a breath and searched for the thought that would bring me peace...and the thought my mind settled on was that moment a couple of weeks ago with you and Ethan - just holding him and talking with you while the little pip was sleeping and the big pip was at the hardware store with Daddy. My blood pressure came down a bit on the second round and it turns out I achieved 4 of the 5 goals and got $50 - hooray!

    Love you,

  7. I hope your Mother's Day is even more special this year. Try to relax and get as much rest as possible with a newborn and two other kids. Enjoy every minute of your time with them. As for Bob, you get some rest too, I know this isn't easy for you. Love you Both. Aunt Dianna

  8. Praise the Lord that you have not been very sick like they thought. One very big answer to prayer! I was able to meet and hold your precious Ethan today while Mom had him for a while. I prayed for you and Bob and Ethan and the other two precious ones in your life while holding him. I sent hugs to you through him too, so hug him tight and think of me hugging you! :) He is absolutely perfect! God is so good! I am praying constantly for you all. Keep looking up! I love you!
