I don't think that I blogged about this already, but I could be wrong. Anyway, it's on my heart again. Around the half-way mark of chemo, I really wanted to do something to celebrate. My first thought was to go North to Pittsburg, but that just wasn't best. I ended up without an idea of what to do. Well, God took care of it; I didn't need to plan anything. I had some very special visits right around that time that really boosted my spirits - seeing Gram H., Aunt Paula, Jen, Aunt Carol; a visit from Aunt Deb, Uncle Denny, Grammie C.; another visit from Aunt Cheryl, Uncle David, and Whit; a day-long visit with Ryan (my cousin) and his family from Kentucky joined by Jason and Dawn; a visit from my cousin Karrie and her family; as well as the regular summer visits of Beth Anne and Dave, and Denise and other wonderful friends who live nearby. What better celebration could a person have?!!! It was great.
More recently, I had another very special visit. "The great aunts" took an excursion to come see us, and boy, did I feel special. The photo below shows the crew - (back row, left to right)Grammie, me, Aunt Norma, Aunt Geneva, (first row) Aunt Katherine, Lyndsey, Aunt Hilda, Aunt Betty, and Aunt Margaret. The set of older women are all sisters-in-law, married to the Covill brothers (except for Aunt Geneva who is Grampa's sister). How special that this group of ladies piled into the mini-van to spend a day on the road visiting us, and doing a little shopping. 8) I really enjoyed the visit (and, I got to see Grammie twice in 1 week!).
This is a GREAT Blessing by the GREAT aunts. You are SO blessed !!!