Anderson got me Zumba DVD's for Christmas. (For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it's a dance/exercise that utilizes Latino rhythms and moves - FUN!!) I am amazed how much I sweat in just 18 minutes, and that's just the part to learn the steps! Anderson was pretty cute because he told me that I was doing a pretty good job for being new at it. 8) It certainly will be good for my coordination and hip muscles, although I'm sure it isn't too pretty! I'm not sure I want Lyndsey learning these moves as I'm not sure she'll know when it's appropriate to shake her hips!
Speaking of Lyndsey, Bob told me that when he asked her what Christmas gift she wanted to get me, she knew right away. She had seen my friend Maresy with some glove mittens (fingerless gloves with the mitten flap that goes over). She said that Mumma needed a purple pair of those. How thoughtful! (I also think it's cute that she looked to Maresy for style as Maresy definitely has fresh style.)
Ethan was VERY excited about the boots we got him for Christmas. Isn't it great when a child is SO excited about something that they also need! Those boots were right up there with the little cars that Anderson and Lyndsey got him. 8)
I think Bob's most thoughtful gift for me was...I don't know! He's very good at getting thoughtful gifts, and this year he was also really good about not letting the calendar get ahead of him. That certainly makes a girl feel treasured (although I know that I have to be careful about projecting my "things that I do or don't do to show love" onto Bob...we're all different). The best gift was that he put a lot of thought into it; that's what means the MOST to me.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Thoughts
As I sat down to write this year’s Christmas letter, I felt very torn about what to say. It has been a great year for us, but this year more than any other, I am aware of so many loved ones with heartaches who are struggling to see Christmas as “merry”. In thinking about this, I have found myself thinking more about the various aspects of Christmas. Joy is certainly one of them, but so is peace. Last Sunday's sermon was on peace (, and it was very timely for me. I have been struggling with a lot of stressors over the last few months, and lately, it has been getting the better of me. Last Sunday, I was noticing how much turmoil I was feeling and wondering what exactly my problem was. Then my eyes were opened. Can I share with you my thought process?
Before, I would have described true peace as a sense of well-being not necessarily related to life’s circumstances. Many people say that it comes from within oneself. I have learned that for the Piro tribal people of Peru, the word translated “peace” means a “the well-arranged soul” which stuck in my memory as "a well-ordered soul”. That really struck me as I realized that I had lost the order in my soul! What does that mean? Who determines “order“? Well, Isaiah 9:6-7 says that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and foretells His coming to save the world. We all know that when Jesus lived 2000 years ago, He didn’t bring world peace as many had believed and hoped. Even now, the world and our lives are far from peaceful. So how could He be the Prince of Peace? Jesus restored order when He provided for us the ability to have a relationship with God by removing the sin that separates us from God. But for me, Jesus also restores order to my soul by giving me purpose and value in spite of my flaws, errors, stupidity, and by providing direction for my priorities. I think that I had lost a sense of peace because I had become too caught up in my life’s stresses, as well as the excitement of planning for Christmas. It’s time to regroup (and I'm still working on this). So since I need this reminder about peace, I thought that I would wish you the same, peace that reflects a well-ordered soul.
Merry and Peace-filled Christmas!
Before, I would have described true peace as a sense of well-being not necessarily related to life’s circumstances. Many people say that it comes from within oneself. I have learned that for the Piro tribal people of Peru, the word translated “peace” means a “the well-arranged soul” which stuck in my memory as "a well-ordered soul”. That really struck me as I realized that I had lost the order in my soul! What does that mean? Who determines “order“? Well, Isaiah 9:6-7 says that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and foretells His coming to save the world. We all know that when Jesus lived 2000 years ago, He didn’t bring world peace as many had believed and hoped. Even now, the world and our lives are far from peaceful. So how could He be the Prince of Peace? Jesus restored order when He provided for us the ability to have a relationship with God by removing the sin that separates us from God. But for me, Jesus also restores order to my soul by giving me purpose and value in spite of my flaws, errors, stupidity, and by providing direction for my priorities. I think that I had lost a sense of peace because I had become too caught up in my life’s stresses, as well as the excitement of planning for Christmas. It’s time to regroup (and I'm still working on this). So since I need this reminder about peace, I thought that I would wish you the same, peace that reflects a well-ordered soul.
Merry and Peace-filled Christmas!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Little Things
Amazingly, I have had a bit of time for pondering (2 visits to the gym, drive to Boston) although very little time for writing. I want to just take a minute to share how God has shown Himself in the little things. He's so amazing like that, and these can be such a big blessing if I take time to "be still".
Although my health is good, a lot has been going on emotionally and relationally this fall. I'm so thankful that I can exercise to help me process it and keep myself more balanced physically. A year ago, I couldn't do that at all. God also has been giving me little threads to hold onto in the midst of all of this...a Thanksgiving card from a friend, an e-mail from a different friend, meaningful affirmations/watchful concerns of others - all testifying to the friendships and love that God has blessed me with. All of these have been giving me bits of encouragement that He is in the details of friendships and using friends to encourage one another in His timing. Basically, these threads have helped keep me floating in this sea of controversy, heartache, and self-doubts.
On a completely different level, we have a potluck tonight. The back story is that I stock up on hamburger with my family. I didn't realize that I had used the last package until this morning when I went to get it out for tonight's meal. There wasn't one! I was like, "Oh no! Now what am I going to do?" I searched around...nothing. I started to brainstorm how I could improvise or what I could make instead because a trip to the grocery store was just not reasonable. Then, God helped me remember that we had cooked up 1 package with onions a few weeks ago and put it in the upstairs freezer. So, not only do I have hamburg, but it's already prepared for the casserole! Pretty cool.
I guess that I want to encourage you to be still for a few moments and look for God in the little things. I know that I've wanted "big" God sightings (particularly when the struggles of my day seem big and I want Him to fix it), but when my heart is right, even the little ones are big. I just have to open my eyes and slow down for a minute.
Although my health is good, a lot has been going on emotionally and relationally this fall. I'm so thankful that I can exercise to help me process it and keep myself more balanced physically. A year ago, I couldn't do that at all. God also has been giving me little threads to hold onto in the midst of all of this...a Thanksgiving card from a friend, an e-mail from a different friend, meaningful affirmations/watchful concerns of others - all testifying to the friendships and love that God has blessed me with. All of these have been giving me bits of encouragement that He is in the details of friendships and using friends to encourage one another in His timing. Basically, these threads have helped keep me floating in this sea of controversy, heartache, and self-doubts.
On a completely different level, we have a potluck tonight. The back story is that I stock up on hamburger with my family. I didn't realize that I had used the last package until this morning when I went to get it out for tonight's meal. There wasn't one! I was like, "Oh no! Now what am I going to do?" I searched around...nothing. I started to brainstorm how I could improvise or what I could make instead because a trip to the grocery store was just not reasonable. Then, God helped me remember that we had cooked up 1 package with onions a few weeks ago and put it in the upstairs freezer. So, not only do I have hamburg, but it's already prepared for the casserole! Pretty cool.
I guess that I want to encourage you to be still for a few moments and look for God in the little things. I know that I've wanted "big" God sightings (particularly when the struggles of my day seem big and I want Him to fix it), but when my heart is right, even the little ones are big. I just have to open my eyes and slow down for a minute.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Another set of scans
I went to Boston on Monday for my routine scans and to see Dr. Choy and Dr. Raskin. I went all by myself! (I think this was a first as last time we went to Boston, we took the kids for a fun day trip.) It felt good to have "graduated" to this. 8)
The scans were clean, so now I will only be getting lung x-rays instead of CT scans. This is a step in the right direction. Since I'll still be having pelvic CT scans every 3 months, I'll still have to deal with the large drink and the IV, but I'm getting there. The person who reads the CT scans did notice a weird place on my left breast. This isn't something that they're very concerned about as my body is still changing from postpartum (and I have young boobs!...relatively speaking). "Nevertheless" (that's a quote from the report), I need to go have a mammogram done as a precaution. So, I'll hopefully have that scheduled in Dover or Rochester before Christmas.
I have to admit that when Dr. Choy said (over the phone) that when they read the CT scans, they sometimes see things other than what they're looking for, I held my breath. However, Dr. Choy rarely puts me at ease about these kinds of things (he's very cautious in his approach to my treatment...always allowing for the "just in case"), but he really isn't concerned about this. I really didn't feel very worried about it. I was thinking of it as another test. However, Bob's reaction has made me a bit more on edge about it. I found myself thinking about the Sun. before I received my diagnosis about my hip, when I told Bob that I didn't have cancer and he needed to be quiet about that. (I was pretty upset that he was even suggesting it.) And he was right. So, that rocks the boat a little bit. BUT, God is still in control, and I know that He wants me to trust Him with this too/again. I'm going to just keep asking Him to help me with the trust thing. It isn't easy.
The best part of going to Boston was seeing old friends... "my girls" from Phillips 21 (nurses who cared for me during chemo), nurses who cared for Ethan during his stay, and my doctors. I really do like them. I also enjoyed the quiet ride in the car. I did a lot of thinking and praying. It was definitely good for me.
The scans were clean, so now I will only be getting lung x-rays instead of CT scans. This is a step in the right direction. Since I'll still be having pelvic CT scans every 3 months, I'll still have to deal with the large drink and the IV, but I'm getting there. The person who reads the CT scans did notice a weird place on my left breast. This isn't something that they're very concerned about as my body is still changing from postpartum (and I have young boobs!...relatively speaking). "Nevertheless" (that's a quote from the report), I need to go have a mammogram done as a precaution. So, I'll hopefully have that scheduled in Dover or Rochester before Christmas.
I have to admit that when Dr. Choy said (over the phone) that when they read the CT scans, they sometimes see things other than what they're looking for, I held my breath. However, Dr. Choy rarely puts me at ease about these kinds of things (he's very cautious in his approach to my treatment...always allowing for the "just in case"), but he really isn't concerned about this. I really didn't feel very worried about it. I was thinking of it as another test. However, Bob's reaction has made me a bit more on edge about it. I found myself thinking about the Sun. before I received my diagnosis about my hip, when I told Bob that I didn't have cancer and he needed to be quiet about that. (I was pretty upset that he was even suggesting it.) And he was right. So, that rocks the boat a little bit. BUT, God is still in control, and I know that He wants me to trust Him with this too/again. I'm going to just keep asking Him to help me with the trust thing. It isn't easy.
The best part of going to Boston was seeing old friends... "my girls" from Phillips 21 (nurses who cared for me during chemo), nurses who cared for Ethan during his stay, and my doctors. I really do like them. I also enjoyed the quiet ride in the car. I did a lot of thinking and praying. It was definitely good for me.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It's been a really hard week emotionally. I won't go into the details, but I'll tell you the areas of my life that it "hit"...friendships, parenting, identity, and I got my period! Of course, everything happens at once. It has led to these thoughts.
When I was sick, I was looking at Philippians 4:8 and couldn't wrap my head around how I could view the cancer and chemo as true, lovely, pure,... I talked with Bob about this as I was totally stumped. What he said really hit home. He said, "Maybe this verse is talking about meditating on (keeping my thoughts on) God. He is true, pure, lovely, praiseworthy." Boy, isn't that the truth! As I've tried to trudge through this really emotionally challenging week (it's been a real humdinger!), I'm challenged to keep my thoughts on God and not all these other things that are rocking my world. An e-mail from my sister-in-law also helped as she reminded me of the Israelites and God's tough love information for them in Deuteronomy. I wondered where she was going with this...until I continued reading what she wrote! She shared that the verses made her think about how God wants us to see Him in all things and not be so wrapped up in the details of the situation and what the reasons for them might be. I don't think that we're not supposed to think about what God is doing and what He is trying to teach us, but I think it's more about what my primary focus is. Isn't it just like me to be self-focused in thinking about the "why's"? It's not all about me.
Now you might be thinking, "Oh, Sarah, you're being too hard on yourself" or "We do need to learn from what is going on". What I'm trying to share is what I've been thinking about my primary focus, not the only focus. (As a woman, I can do that, right?! Ha! HA!) Actually, as I'm typing this, another thing I read recently is coming to mind. It was an article challenging me not to lose the celebration of Jesus this Christmas season. This is a common "message", but it caught my attention in that it was focused on many of the things that I value - Christmas decorations and atmosphere, making the Holiday special for the kids, preparations for gift giving. The article challenged me to consider if celebrating Jesus is truly at the center of all of this. (If you want to read the article, you can go to and look for the entry "1 Corinthians 13 Christmas Style".)
Hmmm....I think I see a theme here. 8)
When I was sick, I was looking at Philippians 4:8 and couldn't wrap my head around how I could view the cancer and chemo as true, lovely, pure,... I talked with Bob about this as I was totally stumped. What he said really hit home. He said, "Maybe this verse is talking about meditating on (keeping my thoughts on) God. He is true, pure, lovely, praiseworthy." Boy, isn't that the truth! As I've tried to trudge through this really emotionally challenging week (it's been a real humdinger!), I'm challenged to keep my thoughts on God and not all these other things that are rocking my world. An e-mail from my sister-in-law also helped as she reminded me of the Israelites and God's tough love information for them in Deuteronomy. I wondered where she was going with this...until I continued reading what she wrote! She shared that the verses made her think about how God wants us to see Him in all things and not be so wrapped up in the details of the situation and what the reasons for them might be. I don't think that we're not supposed to think about what God is doing and what He is trying to teach us, but I think it's more about what my primary focus is. Isn't it just like me to be self-focused in thinking about the "why's"? It's not all about me.
Now you might be thinking, "Oh, Sarah, you're being too hard on yourself" or "We do need to learn from what is going on". What I'm trying to share is what I've been thinking about my primary focus, not the only focus. (As a woman, I can do that, right?! Ha! HA!) Actually, as I'm typing this, another thing I read recently is coming to mind. It was an article challenging me not to lose the celebration of Jesus this Christmas season. This is a common "message", but it caught my attention in that it was focused on many of the things that I value - Christmas decorations and atmosphere, making the Holiday special for the kids, preparations for gift giving. The article challenged me to consider if celebrating Jesus is truly at the center of all of this. (If you want to read the article, you can go to and look for the entry "1 Corinthians 13 Christmas Style".)
Hmmm....I think I see a theme here. 8)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Lyndsey's Persistence
Lyndsey is cracking me up. Yesterday, we were "doing school" and worked on a sheet where she had to identify the different members of our family (cartoon drawings) and label them with the names. (This was good practice writing her "d"!) There were a mother, father, 2 girls, 2 boys, and 2 extra spaces for other family members. She identified each person, commenting that she was the girl with the long hair. She then insisted on labeling the other girl as her sister. I kept telling her she doesn't have a sister, but she really wanted too. So she made up a name (dseLLy) and wrote it in. I chalked it up to her really wanting to do more of the worksheet (not be finished yet).
Well, this morning, we were talking about Sammy going on a plane and Lyndsey wanting to go with her 'cause she wants to be with her all the time. She then went on about wanting to be with: you, Daddy, Anderson, Ethan, and my sister - all the time. I asked her what sister she's talking about, and she matter-of-factly answered, "the baby that's going to be in your belly". ("Oh really!", I thought.) I told her that first of all, we don't know if God is going to put a baby in my belly. She confidently responded, "Yes He will". I followed up with, "And if He does, we don't know if it will be a girl." That didn't stop her either. She's something else. I had all I could do to not crack up in front of her. 8)
Well, this morning, we were talking about Sammy going on a plane and Lyndsey wanting to go with her 'cause she wants to be with her all the time. She then went on about wanting to be with: you, Daddy, Anderson, Ethan, and my sister - all the time. I asked her what sister she's talking about, and she matter-of-factly answered, "the baby that's going to be in your belly". ("Oh really!", I thought.) I told her that first of all, we don't know if God is going to put a baby in my belly. She confidently responded, "Yes He will". I followed up with, "And if He does, we don't know if it will be a girl." That didn't stop her either. She's something else. I had all I could do to not crack up in front of her. 8)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mothering Mistakes
Of course, there are many of these...the reason for mistakes. However, this one really took me off-guard. For an annual fundraiser, the school kids do a piece of artwork which can then be purchased as a magnet, coffee cup, etc. Well, Anderson's artwork was very good, but he tends to care NOTHING for things of this nature. I have hung a number of his masterpieces on the walls, as any good Mom does, but he doesn't seem to value artistic expression much. 8) So, I wasn't planning to buy his magnet (which the school sends home for parents to "view"). We talked about what a good job he did, discussing the details of his drawing. I told him I was sending it back, but he expressed that I should buy it. My initial thought was that the kids had been drilled about parents buying these, not that it was important to him. (This sounds pretty dumb as I type it, but it made sense at the time!) So I explained about being good stewards of our money and that $5 is a lot for a magnet if it didn't really matter to him that it was his art. Well, come to find out, it did matter. So, I happily wrote the check and put the magnet on the refrigerator.
The next morning, Anderson nearly forgot the folder with the check (as well as a few other things waiting for him on the counter). When I pointed it out, he grabbed it and then started crying when he saw what it was. He said that he didn't want me to buy the magnet; it was too much money. I told him that I wanted to, that it was important to him. He very introspectively said that he felt guilty that I was buying it because it was a lot of money. Oh, that broke my heart! The poor guy! I assured him that I was HAPPY to buy it because he made the art, and it was very good. Thankfully, he heard my heart and believing me, headed off to school with no more tears. Boy, that could have been a big mess. I'm so glad that he expressed himself to me...he generally is pretty good at doing that. Thank You, Lord!
Here is a great article
The next morning, Anderson nearly forgot the folder with the check (as well as a few other things waiting for him on the counter). When I pointed it out, he grabbed it and then started crying when he saw what it was. He said that he didn't want me to buy the magnet; it was too much money. I told him that I wanted to, that it was important to him. He very introspectively said that he felt guilty that I was buying it because it was a lot of money. Oh, that broke my heart! The poor guy! I assured him that I was HAPPY to buy it because he made the art, and it was very good. Thankfully, he heard my heart and believing me, headed off to school with no more tears. Boy, that could have been a big mess. I'm so glad that he expressed himself to me...he generally is pretty good at doing that. Thank You, Lord!
Here is a great article
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Daily chuckles
There are so many things that make me chuckle. This is the latest.
OK. So the video is too large to upload. I'll have to describe to you what I saw. Lyndsey had set up the tripod, pretending it had a camera on it. She had Ethan climb into the chair, sitting facing her. She kept running up to him to tickle him or make noises at him and then ran back to the "camera" to snap the picture (just like the professional photography places). She kept telling him to say "cheese", and he was cooperatively "cheese"ing away, which is really funny when he says it. He draws it out and really emphasizes the "eeee", showing all his little teeth. Wish you could have seen it; it sure made me laugh!
OK. So the video is too large to upload. I'll have to describe to you what I saw. Lyndsey had set up the tripod, pretending it had a camera on it. She had Ethan climb into the chair, sitting facing her. She kept running up to him to tickle him or make noises at him and then ran back to the "camera" to snap the picture (just like the professional photography places). She kept telling him to say "cheese", and he was cooperatively "cheese"ing away, which is really funny when he says it. He draws it out and really emphasizes the "eeee", showing all his little teeth. Wish you could have seen it; it sure made me laugh!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Another new accomplishment
I hopped on Raskin from the sliding glass door out to the table on the deck, and back! I haven't hopped on that leg since the beginning of my pregnancy! It wasn't pretty, but I managed to hop on Anderson's sandal (partly on the foot) without losing my balance, enabling me to not get my stocking feet wet on the rain-covered deck. Woohoo! Mom witnessed it! 8)
CAT scan
Another clean CAT scan...yay!
Bob and I had taken golf lessons together (over a month ago). For weeks after, I had this huge pain in the center of my back. At first, I thought that it was from swinging the golf club, but then it seemed to linger too long. I started to feel fearful that it was cancer in my lungs (a likely place for it to metastasize). It felt a lot like the pulmonary embuli did. I had to just keep praying that God would help me to not worry and remember that it's in His hands. I thought about calling the dr. but knew I had a CAT scan coming up; then it went away. Another day in the life of a cancer survivor, but it's different when you have a relationship with God. I can't imagine dealing with that fear without God.
Bob and I went fly fishing last Sat. It was a good day. We ended up having some really hard, but necessary, conversations. The year of cancer is still really affecting us, even though it has turned out as we had hoped. A year of stress, illness, coping, has longer lasting effects than I had realized. God is helping us through it though. The day was beautiful - a perfect sunny, fall day. The sound of the water was calming, and the fish did bite. (better for Bob than me!) I thank God for that day - for the extended time with Bob, for the friends who cared for our kids, for being out in nature, for health to walk in the water and stand for hours, for taste buds to taste the yummy food, for hair to poof out from under the ball cap I had to wear to keep the sun out of my eyes, for a hubby who was willing to patiently stand by while I had my casting lesson. Thank You, Lord.
Bob and I had taken golf lessons together (over a month ago). For weeks after, I had this huge pain in the center of my back. At first, I thought that it was from swinging the golf club, but then it seemed to linger too long. I started to feel fearful that it was cancer in my lungs (a likely place for it to metastasize). It felt a lot like the pulmonary embuli did. I had to just keep praying that God would help me to not worry and remember that it's in His hands. I thought about calling the dr. but knew I had a CAT scan coming up; then it went away. Another day in the life of a cancer survivor, but it's different when you have a relationship with God. I can't imagine dealing with that fear without God.
Bob and I went fly fishing last Sat. It was a good day. We ended up having some really hard, but necessary, conversations. The year of cancer is still really affecting us, even though it has turned out as we had hoped. A year of stress, illness, coping, has longer lasting effects than I had realized. God is helping us through it though. The day was beautiful - a perfect sunny, fall day. The sound of the water was calming, and the fish did bite. (better for Bob than me!) I thank God for that day - for the extended time with Bob, for the friends who cared for our kids, for being out in nature, for health to walk in the water and stand for hours, for taste buds to taste the yummy food, for hair to poof out from under the ball cap I had to wear to keep the sun out of my eyes, for a hubby who was willing to patiently stand by while I had my casting lesson. Thank You, Lord.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Ethan's Antics
Ethan is a little man on the move these days. Just the other day, Bob and I were talking and realized Ethan was up to something. I went around the corner of the island and found Ethan standing there with mouth stuffed full of grapes and stem hanging out, single grapes spilled around him on the floor, and a large bunch of grapes setting at his feet. I couldn't believe that he had successfully gotten a hold of the grapes that were in a colander on the island without disturbing the colander and without a stool! Sneaky little bugger! The greatest irony is that Lyndsey had just been "admonished" for giving Ethan little pieces of grapes (that she had meticulously cut with a steak knife) after having been directed not to while I went upstairs. I was trying to keep him safe from these huge round grapes, and he stole a ton of them from the shelf! UGH!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A great date
Anderson and I went on a special "date", and it will be one of my most cherished memories. He has been very "boy"...wanting to be rough and pushy and not wanting affection from Mom, thriving on time with Daddy, busy with his own things. Well, we went to Plimouth Plantation for the day. We rode a big bus there, toured the Wampanoag village and colonist settlement, saw Plymouth Rock, went on the Mayflower II, and went to McDonald's for supper! We learned a lot. I realized that Anderson and I are a lot alike in that way; we really like to learn and experience new things. I was amazed that he wasn't bored, even when I spent time asking questions of a Native Indian woman who had her baby with her. Anderson really enjoyed watching the woodworker using an old-fashioned lathe; it was cool.
What I enjoyed most about the trip was the extensive one-on-one time. We were able to goof around (and yes, elbow and push), ask and answer questions (I was amazed at his social understanding of what was going on between the 2 people groups and his frustration with how people could be so blind to the values of others just because they were different/foreign), explore, hypothesize, work together on projects, and yes, even hold hands. OK. That was my favorite part. It was a great day. (Thank you, Melissa, for watching Lyndsey and Ethan!)
What I enjoyed most about the trip was the extensive one-on-one time. We were able to goof around (and yes, elbow and push), ask and answer questions (I was amazed at his social understanding of what was going on between the 2 people groups and his frustration with how people could be so blind to the values of others just because they were different/foreign), explore, hypothesize, work together on projects, and yes, even hold hands. OK. That was my favorite part. It was a great day. (Thank you, Melissa, for watching Lyndsey and Ethan!)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Labot Day weekend Happenings
It's been a great weekend. Friday, Anderson had the day off. It was really nice to have him home. It was so cute; during rest time Anderson told me that he misses being at home with me so that he can have his quiet time. It has been a very tiring week for him, although I know that he'll get used to the full days of school. The intense heat hasn't helped either.
Friday night, Bob and I attempted our first object lesson with the kids. There's a verse in the Bible that says, "Do not be deceived; bad company corrupts good habits." We wanted Anderson to think about the company he keeps, particularly at school. It's very common to believe the lie that if I'm not doing what the others are doing, it doesn't matter if I hang around them while they're doing it ("just an observer"). However, that doesn't usually last that way for long. So, we decided to make brownies with cat poop in them. Bob told the kids that he had stopped at Uncle Erik's house to get cat poop for our special brownies. They watched us make them, putting the poop (melted Tootsie rolls) in the center. Lyndsey was funny because she commented on the brownies smelling good. I wonder if she was saying that because she didn't smell stinky poop. Anyway, after we cooled the brownies, we asked the kids if they wanted some. They said "Yes!". We questioned this, reminding them what was in them. Lyndsey didn't seem to care (no, we don't deprive her of brownies!), but Anderson began to waver. Bob acted like he was going to throw them away since they were ruined. Anderson rationalized that the cat poop probably melted and was all through the brownies, making them yucky. I told him that I didn't think so; maybe we should try to cut around it. He wasn't so sure of that. We ended up telling them that it wasn't real poop, just candy. We explained that a little bit hanging around people making bad choices, even though it seems small compared to the good choices "I" am making, can still have a big effect, just like a little bit of yuck can ruin the whole pan of brownies. God's Word warns us about this. So, I think that we got the point across. It certainly didn't go as smoothly as we had thought it would! Isn't that typical with kids.
Saturday, we were visited by a professional photographer who was trying to get photos for a magazine article. I'll post the link to it when it happens. It was kind of fun having our pictures taken as they were mostly candid. I'm hoping that we'll get to see many of them and maybe even be given a few. We'll see. Bob says the magazine will likely choose the hick picture as a bunch were taken around our old, blue tractor. (Of course, that's where the kids played the longest!) And that would certainly go with us living in NH. 8) After that was over, we had just enough time to get all the kids ready for their sleepovers/visits with friends while Bob and I went to a wedding in Plymouth. It was really nice to get away with Bob for a few hours and celebrate this special day with Josh and Maresy. We also got to see some old's really funny how different circles of people overlap. We even got to dance! This was very exciting for me as I still struggle with balance and having my body do what my brain thinks it can, but I was able to dance. It was fun spending this time with Bob as it's been a very long time, and I really enjoy dancing.
Sunday, we took a family bike ride to Lone Oak, which is 3 miles away. Anderson did such a good job keeping up! Ethan was THRILLED to be going for a ride behind the bike and just as thrilled when he saw that the destination was ice-cream. I think that he and Daddy ate the most as Ethan had some of mine, Anderson's, and Lyndsey's. 8) This was a really fun family outing.
Afterwards, we went star-gazing in the back yard. It was Bob's idea and we all really enjoyed it. The sky was so dark and the stars so bright. We'll have to do that again some time.

Monday, we hiked Mt. Major with Mom and Dad, Jason's family, Aunt Paula and Uncle Rick, Jen and Danny's family, and Aunt Carol and Uncle Jeff. It was so much fun! It was work for me but very good for me. We had a picnic at the top and played for an hour or so. The kids loved playing with Zack and Kayleigh. The weather was just perfect. Ethan discovered a caterpillar and he was so excited! He let it crawl on him and picked it up...not afraid at all! This surprised me as the other 2 never reacted this way. It was fun to watch. On the way back down the mountain, I stopped to pick blueberries. (They were sparse, but I couldn't resist!) So I sent everybody on while I enjoyed nature a bit. After I found the path again, I was trucking down the mountain to try to catch up (carefully, of course!). I came around a corner and heard Ethan noises. There were he and Bob, sitting on a rock waiting for me. Isn't that sweet?! My husband who likes to be on the move and in the lead waited for me. This meant so much. As we treked the rest of the way down the mountain, we had some nice conversation. Oh, this was good for my soul as I've felt lonely for him lately. I'll share the funniest part of our conversation...
We were talking about how my bad hip has become my good hip, as I was realizing that I was relying on my right hip quite a bit as I became more fatigued. To keep things clear ("new bad hip", "old bad hip", etc.), we decided to name my left leg "Raskin" after my orthopedic oncologist. It just fits so perfectly. We then started joking around about, "Rasking up", "Don't pull my Raskin". It was fun laughing together.
Friday night, Bob and I attempted our first object lesson with the kids. There's a verse in the Bible that says, "Do not be deceived; bad company corrupts good habits." We wanted Anderson to think about the company he keeps, particularly at school. It's very common to believe the lie that if I'm not doing what the others are doing, it doesn't matter if I hang around them while they're doing it ("just an observer"). However, that doesn't usually last that way for long. So, we decided to make brownies with cat poop in them. Bob told the kids that he had stopped at Uncle Erik's house to get cat poop for our special brownies. They watched us make them, putting the poop (melted Tootsie rolls) in the center. Lyndsey was funny because she commented on the brownies smelling good. I wonder if she was saying that because she didn't smell stinky poop. Anyway, after we cooled the brownies, we asked the kids if they wanted some. They said "Yes!". We questioned this, reminding them what was in them. Lyndsey didn't seem to care (no, we don't deprive her of brownies!), but Anderson began to waver. Bob acted like he was going to throw them away since they were ruined. Anderson rationalized that the cat poop probably melted and was all through the brownies, making them yucky. I told him that I didn't think so; maybe we should try to cut around it. He wasn't so sure of that. We ended up telling them that it wasn't real poop, just candy. We explained that a little bit hanging around people making bad choices, even though it seems small compared to the good choices "I" am making, can still have a big effect, just like a little bit of yuck can ruin the whole pan of brownies. God's Word warns us about this. So, I think that we got the point across. It certainly didn't go as smoothly as we had thought it would! Isn't that typical with kids.
Saturday, we were visited by a professional photographer who was trying to get photos for a magazine article. I'll post the link to it when it happens. It was kind of fun having our pictures taken as they were mostly candid. I'm hoping that we'll get to see many of them and maybe even be given a few. We'll see. Bob says the magazine will likely choose the hick picture as a bunch were taken around our old, blue tractor. (Of course, that's where the kids played the longest!) And that would certainly go with us living in NH. 8) After that was over, we had just enough time to get all the kids ready for their sleepovers/visits with friends while Bob and I went to a wedding in Plymouth. It was really nice to get away with Bob for a few hours and celebrate this special day with Josh and Maresy. We also got to see some old's really funny how different circles of people overlap. We even got to dance! This was very exciting for me as I still struggle with balance and having my body do what my brain thinks it can, but I was able to dance. It was fun spending this time with Bob as it's been a very long time, and I really enjoy dancing.
Sunday, we took a family bike ride to Lone Oak, which is 3 miles away. Anderson did such a good job keeping up! Ethan was THRILLED to be going for a ride behind the bike and just as thrilled when he saw that the destination was ice-cream. I think that he and Daddy ate the most as Ethan had some of mine, Anderson's, and Lyndsey's. 8) This was a really fun family outing.
Afterwards, we went star-gazing in the back yard. It was Bob's idea and we all really enjoyed it. The sky was so dark and the stars so bright. We'll have to do that again some time.
We were talking about how my bad hip has become my good hip, as I was realizing that I was relying on my right hip quite a bit as I became more fatigued. To keep things clear ("new bad hip", "old bad hip", etc.), we decided to name my left leg "Raskin" after my orthopedic oncologist. It just fits so perfectly. We then started joking around about, "Rasking up", "Don't pull my Raskin". It was fun laughing together.
Kids' Antics
As always, there are great stories to tell about what the kids are doing. I think that the funniest thing lately is watching Lyndsey want to be a Mumma. It's so cute. She types on her keyboard while I deal with stuff on the computer, she's always shuffling papers around (making keeping things organized very difficult), loves to "cut coupons" and make lists, thrives on organizing (which I sometimes wonder if it's a ploy to keep from having to actually pick up what's on her floor), likes to wash dishes and make sandwiches, is very attentive to trying to clean up messes on the floor like spilled water, and wants to mother Ethan in the worst way. He does NOT appreciate this as she doesn't read body language very well and is quite persistent. But, her intentions and attempts are quite cute, and flattering. I'm really enjoying the extra time I have with her now; it's precious.
Ethan is quite the toddler now. I can't believe how quickly he's changing. We've adjusted fairly well to his attempts to escape, but we're still trying to stay ahead of him as far as getting into things. The other day, I caught him with the computer mouse, the toilet bowl brush, and kitchen utensils from the drawer (that I hadn't seen him get into). He's fast and observant and doesn't like it when I take things away from him. He loves to explore anything that belongs to a big person, especially Lyndsey's kitchen stuff, her computer, and Anderson's cars and toys in his room. They're pretty good about working with him on this, although he's starting to catch on to the whole trading thing. 8) I'm amazed at how much he understands even though he doesn't talk. That little smirk of his says a lot too!
Ethan is quite the toddler now. I can't believe how quickly he's changing. We've adjusted fairly well to his attempts to escape, but we're still trying to stay ahead of him as far as getting into things. The other day, I caught him with the computer mouse, the toilet bowl brush, and kitchen utensils from the drawer (that I hadn't seen him get into). He's fast and observant and doesn't like it when I take things away from him. He loves to explore anything that belongs to a big person, especially Lyndsey's kitchen stuff, her computer, and Anderson's cars and toys in his room. They're pretty good about working with him on this, although he's starting to catch on to the whole trading thing. 8) I'm amazed at how much he understands even though he doesn't talk. That little smirk of his says a lot too!
New routines
Well, school has started, and with it, new routines. I am amazed at how I can again see God's hand in protecting me through the last year or so. In preparing for this school year, the first time that I have a child in school all day every day, I realized that there are many firsts associated with this. I have a tendency to be quite goal-oriented, comfortable with having a plan, prone to trying to pack too much into a day, which would seem to mean that I'm likely to thrive on routine, right? Well, I have never had much of a routine with my kids. Sure, feedings/meals were routine. Lunch, read books, nap...routine. However, I never felt like I could have more of a routine than that, partly due to working 2 days a week which would require multiple routines - different ones for different days. I never thought that was the only reason though. I never really understood why I didn't work toward a morning routine and such, especially when friends shared that having a routine made the days with young children fun and productive, and helped beat the monotony that is common - the same cycle of changing diapers, doing housework, making meals, etc. Well, as I was creating a routine for the first time this year, it dawned on me that my lack of desire for a mothering routine (uncharacteristic of me) was God protecting me. You see, if I had an extensive routine before I got sick with cancer, it would have been a GREAT source of frustration for me. I imagine that it would have been 1 more large stressor as I watched a routine that I was comfortable with and felt was important, and perhaps had worked hard to implement, dissolve. How could people helping us manage to keep up a detailed routine as the kids tested their caregivers and balked at what didn't strike their fancy (as kids will do)? I think this would have been hard on everybody, especially poor Bob who would have received the brunt of it. Thankfully, this wasn't the case. I really believe that God was sparing me, and us. Isn't He good?
So, what is our routine like? We are still working on getting the kinks out, but the morning starts with me and Anderson having a devotional before school. Anderson and Lyndsey have personalized flip charts to get ready for the day (including making the beds!!! This is thanks to Mom's great influence during her months with us. Thanks, Mom!). The kids love their flip charts, and the charts help them stay on task without me nagging at them. They know what is expected of them, and it is their responsibility. (By the way, Lyndsey helped make her flip chart during "school" 1 day...great fun!) While Lyndsey watches Sesame Street at 9:00, I play with Ethan doing puzzles, wrestling, reading books, or helping him ride his horse, as well as get some chores done. Then the 3 of us have time for playing outside, going for a walk, whatever, until 11:30 when we eat lunch. The early lunch allows Ethan to get down for his nap by 12:30 (since there are days when we have to pick up Anderson at school at 3:00). Once Ethan is down for his nap, Lyndsey and I have school time! We are really enjoying this. Then Lyndsey goes down for a rest.
I'm still trying to figure out how to fit in a few things like my hip exercises, but I'm really excited about this. For the first time, I'm not having to harass the kids in the morning to get dressed and Lyndsey to comb her hair (since they don't get breakfast until they're dressed, hair combed, and bed made). I'm also finding that the quality time with each of the kids is happening regularly. This warms my heart. Also, when something different happens, I have a more realistic idea of how it is going to affect the goals of the day and can adjust accordingly. In a sense, I know what I'm forfeiting and can make better decisions. So, we'll see how long this lasts and how it evolves, but I'm excited about it.
So, what is our routine like? We are still working on getting the kinks out, but the morning starts with me and Anderson having a devotional before school. Anderson and Lyndsey have personalized flip charts to get ready for the day (including making the beds!!! This is thanks to Mom's great influence during her months with us. Thanks, Mom!). The kids love their flip charts, and the charts help them stay on task without me nagging at them. They know what is expected of them, and it is their responsibility. (By the way, Lyndsey helped make her flip chart during "school" 1 day...great fun!) While Lyndsey watches Sesame Street at 9:00, I play with Ethan doing puzzles, wrestling, reading books, or helping him ride his horse, as well as get some chores done. Then the 3 of us have time for playing outside, going for a walk, whatever, until 11:30 when we eat lunch. The early lunch allows Ethan to get down for his nap by 12:30 (since there are days when we have to pick up Anderson at school at 3:00). Once Ethan is down for his nap, Lyndsey and I have school time! We are really enjoying this. Then Lyndsey goes down for a rest.
I'm still trying to figure out how to fit in a few things like my hip exercises, but I'm really excited about this. For the first time, I'm not having to harass the kids in the morning to get dressed and Lyndsey to comb her hair (since they don't get breakfast until they're dressed, hair combed, and bed made). I'm also finding that the quality time with each of the kids is happening regularly. This warms my heart. Also, when something different happens, I have a more realistic idea of how it is going to affect the goals of the day and can adjust accordingly. In a sense, I know what I'm forfeiting and can make better decisions. So, we'll see how long this lasts and how it evolves, but I'm excited about it.
Anderson's First Week of School
Yep! My little boy is now a first grader! He doesn't seem so little anymore! I miss him throughout the day, but I am also really enjoying the time with Ethan and Lyndsey...more on that later.
What was the first day of school like? Anderson was ready in plenty of time, excited to use his new flip chart (more on that in the next blog entry). He also didn't need to leave as early since the first day, the parents bring the kids to their classrooms. So, I had to hustle to get me, Ethan, and Lyndsey ready and out the door by 8:20. We did it! I think that Lyndsey was excited to see where Anderson would be going and who was in his class. We met Mrs. Marquis (which was also the name of my kindergarten teacher) and found Anderson's seat just as the bell was ringing for the school day to start. There was another little boy sitting at the same table, and he seemed very nice (and well-mannered and smart). I had a brief conversation with him and was very thankful that he is Anderson's table mate.
Anderson seems to be enjoying his new class, even though his best buds are in the other first grade. He sees them at recess, which is good. His teacher seems very nice, and I was pleased when he told me that toward the end of the first day of school, she asked the students to raise their hands if they had felt nervous about their first day of school. All students except 1, and the 2 teachers, raised their hands. I really appreciated this acknowledgment (for Anderson to see that it's OK to feel that way and that it's normal, for adults too). This seemed very wise to me. Anderson had not indicated that he was apprehensive about going back to school; he just didn't talk about it much. He was excited about his new school supplies and new lunchbox. (I'm so proud of Bob. He has initiated that Anderson should pack his lunch each night before school, rather than rely on Mumma to do it for him.)
What was the first day of school like? Anderson was ready in plenty of time, excited to use his new flip chart (more on that in the next blog entry). He also didn't need to leave as early since the first day, the parents bring the kids to their classrooms. So, I had to hustle to get me, Ethan, and Lyndsey ready and out the door by 8:20. We did it! I think that Lyndsey was excited to see where Anderson would be going and who was in his class. We met Mrs. Marquis (which was also the name of my kindergarten teacher) and found Anderson's seat just as the bell was ringing for the school day to start. There was another little boy sitting at the same table, and he seemed very nice (and well-mannered and smart). I had a brief conversation with him and was very thankful that he is Anderson's table mate.
Anderson seems to be enjoying his new class, even though his best buds are in the other first grade. He sees them at recess, which is good. His teacher seems very nice, and I was pleased when he told me that toward the end of the first day of school, she asked the students to raise their hands if they had felt nervous about their first day of school. All students except 1, and the 2 teachers, raised their hands. I really appreciated this acknowledgment (for Anderson to see that it's OK to feel that way and that it's normal, for adults too). This seemed very wise to me. Anderson had not indicated that he was apprehensive about going back to school; he just didn't talk about it much. He was excited about his new school supplies and new lunchbox. (I'm so proud of Bob. He has initiated that Anderson should pack his lunch each night before school, rather than rely on Mumma to do it for him.)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
New Accomplishment
Today I did something that I have not done in almost 2 years! I shaved my legs the "normal" way (for me, at least). Without even thinking, I stood on each leg, 1 at a time, and shaved the other leg that was propped on the counter. Until this point, the best I could do was stand on my good leg, but then when it came time to switch legs, I'd have to sit on the counter. I didn't even realize I had done this until a few minutes later...isn't this bizarre?! Anyway, I'm excited about it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Big Events!
I climbed a rock wall on Sat.! It was definitely a beginner level, but I didn't think I'd be able to do it. I tried, and the feeling of accomplishment when I rang the buzzer at the top was great! Anderson also climbed the wall. I'm so proud of him; that was his first time! His persistence paid off.
Another piece of major news for me at least is that I can now see my hair out of the corner of my eye...first time in over a year! I can tell when it's messy, if it's sticking out in that direction. 8)
Tonight, we had some great family fun. We all went for a bike ride (Bob pulling Ethan and Lyndsey in the buggy). This was the first time I've been on a bike in 2 years! My balance was OK, but I definitely have some work to do. Bob was cautious, which I thought was a bit unusual. A couple of times he reminded me to be careful not to wipe out. Speaking of wiping out, we were riding back in the dark, as we got carried away picking blackberries (3+ quarts!), and Anderson ended up on the ground. He has a few good scrapes, but I thought it was good that he recognized it was because he got going to fast down the hill. The part that made me shake my head was that he backed the bike up the hill a bit more so he could get going fast enough for the dip, all this after just wiping out! Boys!

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ups and Downs
I'll start with the "downs" first. As I keep realizing, I'm not 100% yet. This is most obvious when I lose my balance. The other day, I fell over while vacuuming - tripped on my own foot. Fortunately, the carpet was relatively soft and I just tweaked my shoulder a bit...and nobody saw me. 8) Last Tues., I fell while carrying Ethan up some stairs. I have painful rug burns on both knees to remind me that I'm not as "fit" as I sometimes think I am. I was carrying Ethan and a bunch of other stuff, running late, and trying to muscle through the fatigue going up the stairs (as most Moms do). Well, I didn't lift my foot high enough and down we went. I kept Ethan from falling/getting hurt, fortunately. He just looked at me like, "OK, Mumma, what just happened?" Crazy times.
The "up" is that we made a trip to Pittsburg...just me and the kids!!!! This was HUGE! I've never gone on a long drive with 3 kids before. This doesn't bother me as long as nobody pukes, has to pee (or worse, poop), and there aren't any car problems. These snags can create quite the adventure. This is also the first road trip I've done since chemo (without another adult). It was interesting because as I headed out, I felt nervous just like the first time I drove my parents' car after getting my license. (The nervousness then was mostly because I was going to a place where I had never been...on my own and navigating at the same time.) I was surprised at the commonality. Everything went fine; we arrived 5 min. after midnight. The visit with Grammie and the rest of the family was great. I even got to see my 17-year-old cousin, Whit, twice! That's major considering he's a busy guy working these days. I also was able to visit quite a bit with Denise. This was such a treat as we haven't been able to spend much time together since I was spoiled last summer with her being with us every week. It was wonderful hanging out with the kids and Grammie - we had a picnic and "swim" at Back Lake, visited a castle climbing structure, played on the huge grassy lawn, ate YUMMY foods! The weather was really good, and we had a great time. Denise rode home with us, which was a great opportunity to gab and also helped me maintain sanity with 3 crazy kids in the back seat. And, the kids and I had dinner with Gram H. The kids were ECSTATIC about the box mac and cheese and hotdogs, with choc. milk to boot! Anderson said, "I don't think it gets any better than this!" 8) Gram and I had a nice visit, and it was wonderful to be over her place after almost 2 years away. God is good.
The "up" is that we made a trip to Pittsburg...just me and the kids!!!! This was HUGE! I've never gone on a long drive with 3 kids before. This doesn't bother me as long as nobody pukes, has to pee (or worse, poop), and there aren't any car problems. These snags can create quite the adventure. This is also the first road trip I've done since chemo (without another adult). It was interesting because as I headed out, I felt nervous just like the first time I drove my parents' car after getting my license. (The nervousness then was mostly because I was going to a place where I had never been...on my own and navigating at the same time.) I was surprised at the commonality. Everything went fine; we arrived 5 min. after midnight. The visit with Grammie and the rest of the family was great. I even got to see my 17-year-old cousin, Whit, twice! That's major considering he's a busy guy working these days. I also was able to visit quite a bit with Denise. This was such a treat as we haven't been able to spend much time together since I was spoiled last summer with her being with us every week. It was wonderful hanging out with the kids and Grammie - we had a picnic and "swim" at Back Lake, visited a castle climbing structure, played on the huge grassy lawn, ate YUMMY foods! The weather was really good, and we had a great time. Denise rode home with us, which was a great opportunity to gab and also helped me maintain sanity with 3 crazy kids in the back seat. And, the kids and I had dinner with Gram H. The kids were ECSTATIC about the box mac and cheese and hotdogs, with choc. milk to boot! Anderson said, "I don't think it gets any better than this!" 8) Gram and I had a nice visit, and it was wonderful to be over her place after almost 2 years away. God is good.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Not 100%...Yet
We had the flu in the Levasseur household last week. It started with Bob and Anderson at the end of our family camping adventure, and we thought we were in the clear. Wrong! Sun. AM, I woke up feeling sick. By Sun. afternoon, Lyndsey was puking. She seemed to bounce back fairly quickly, but Ethan also was sick. I was amazed at how long it took me to get over it. After I finally puked (I held out a LONG time - very unusual for me!), I felt better, but it still took DAYS for me to regain strength and not be dizzy from weakness. This made me realize that the chemo really does have long-lasting effects on me. My body isn't fully strong yet. I'm not complaining though. As I was throwing up, I was praising God for it. This was the first time in over a year. This is a major miracle as nearly all women my age who have chemo puke while they're receiving it and afterwards. (The nurses always had the pink bowl ready!) God spared me, and I am so thankful. God is good.
On kind of a funny note, by about Tues. night, the kids were praying that I would get better so it woudn't be so B-O-R-I-N-G. Bob relayed this to me. They definitely were getting sick of being in the house, even if it did mean extra PBS so I could nap on the couch!
On kind of a funny note, by about Tues. night, the kids were praying that I would get better so it woudn't be so B-O-R-I-N-G. Bob relayed this to me. They definitely were getting sick of being in the house, even if it did mean extra PBS so I could nap on the couch!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wonderful inefficiencies
I read a MOPS e-mail that talked about the "curse" of learning to be an efficient mom. We mothers strive to multi-task on many levels and efficiently accomplish more than any human should. This ability to multi-task is a blessing, but the article encouraged mothers to sometimes be inefficient. The example the author gave was driving the long way home from getting groceries so she could see some beautiful gardens. This challenged me to not always be in such a hurry, to not miss the little things or not prohibit myself from slowing down to a walk, but I wasn't sure of any specific examples where it would apply in my own life. Well, I think I found one! Last Fri., I went blueberry picking. Most of my girlfriends pick cultivated blueberries (high bush). They're larger than wild ones, grow in clumps, and are easy to access. I chose to take my kids up Blue Job and pick small (SWEET), free blueberries that were scattered all over the bushes in 1's and 2's. This is not the most efficient way to pick blueberries, but I enjoyed it so much (in spite of the heat and carrying Ethan the whole way in a baby backpack!!). This, for me, was a great inefficiency and "waste" of a day with my kids. I also learned that Anderson is good at picking blueberries and finding the "jackpots". I also discovered that we need to work on training Lyndsey to pee outside. What a mess, poor girl!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hair Humor
I think that because I had to have a sense of humor about my hair, weird "hair things" really crack me up. I'll share a few, and if you're lucky, you'll get the same great laugh over it that I have.
A few weeks ago, I was talking with a woman at the women's retreat. She asked me if I had a sister at church. I was wondering who she thought looks like me; perhaps it was Courtney or Melissa because I've heard that. (I think it's the smiles.) She went on to say that there was a woman who led Bible study that she went to a few times that she thought was my sister. I CRACKED up - not at her but in amazement at the connection she made from years before. "That was me!" I said. She hadn't known that I'd gone through cancer and chemo, so the difference in hair color and style made her not realize I was the same person. This still makes me chuckle.
The second thing is what my friend's daughter said to her Nana. Samantha is Lyndsey's age and told her Nana that I had a "chemo haircut" and that it still looked pretty. That is so incredibly sweet, and the part about a chemo haircut makes me laugh and laugh.
Laughter is good for the soul.
A few weeks ago, I was talking with a woman at the women's retreat. She asked me if I had a sister at church. I was wondering who she thought looks like me; perhaps it was Courtney or Melissa because I've heard that. (I think it's the smiles.) She went on to say that there was a woman who led Bible study that she went to a few times that she thought was my sister. I CRACKED up - not at her but in amazement at the connection she made from years before. "That was me!" I said. She hadn't known that I'd gone through cancer and chemo, so the difference in hair color and style made her not realize I was the same person. This still makes me chuckle.
The second thing is what my friend's daughter said to her Nana. Samantha is Lyndsey's age and told her Nana that I had a "chemo haircut" and that it still looked pretty. That is so incredibly sweet, and the part about a chemo haircut makes me laugh and laugh.
Laughter is good for the soul.
Kids Update
Ethan started walking full-time a few weeks ago. I love watching him toddle around. As Jason predicted, he's quiet about his mischief and fast. I've lost track of him a few times but am getting much better at staying ahead of him. He's also started signing "all done" with regards to his food being gone, not him being finished eating. He loves to eat! He also loves to give me and Bob kisses. Out of the blue, he will come toddling over to me with his lower lip slightly protruding and humming "mmmmmm". It means he wants a kiss. Ohhhh! What a treasure! I'll be sad when he grows out of it.
Lyndsey is very good at painting fingernails. Auntie Beth and I were amazed. Hopefully, she won't decide to do it independently, which is why the polish is stored in my bathroom. She's also doing much better with not trying to physically make Ethan do what she wants him to do. I'm am so proud of her better self-control and greater demonstrations of respect. She was very concerned that when Papa John came to stay that he remember Cricket (his dog's) bed...always the nurturer.
Anderson has graduated kindergarten!!! It was a fun day, although Anderson didn't like wearing a tie. He is doing a great job reading, and today, I even found him independently reading his kids' Bible. This is a big step from reading to us or reading signs/food labels. The last day of school, he got a nice black eye. He and a friend collided, but he said it didn't hurt too badly. It sure looks like it did!
Lyndsey is very good at painting fingernails. Auntie Beth and I were amazed. Hopefully, she won't decide to do it independently, which is why the polish is stored in my bathroom. She's also doing much better with not trying to physically make Ethan do what she wants him to do. I'm am so proud of her better self-control and greater demonstrations of respect. She was very concerned that when Papa John came to stay that he remember Cricket (his dog's) bed...always the nurturer.
Anderson has graduated kindergarten!!! It was a fun day, although Anderson didn't like wearing a tie. He is doing a great job reading, and today, I even found him independently reading his kids' Bible. This is a big step from reading to us or reading signs/food labels. The last day of school, he got a nice black eye. He and a friend collided, but he said it didn't hurt too badly. It sure looks like it did!
Fitness update
Oh, I am so behind in blogging! So, I'll try to be concise.
I had my chest/pelvis CAT scan, and it was clean. Woohoo! I wasn't really nervous about it, but there have been verses about trusting God and songs and such that made me wonder if God was preparing me for another battle. This made me wonder if this CAT scan would reveal something unexpected. It did not. Thank You, God.
My hair is growing back in dark and curly. It's absolutely crazy to be fighting the puffball. However, I am enjoying the new hair style, as much as can be expected. Bob wants it long again. My thought is that I'll take it 1 hairstyle at a time; we'll see what happens. I am still determined to enjoy the variety. I've noticed some grays coming in but am constantly remembering what I said before - gray hair is better than no hair. 8) Also, I was driving the Mazda yesterday and as the sun was shining through the sunroof, I noticed that I have red hairs growing in too! Just like Lyndsey's. It was really nice to see this in that to me it means I'm bouncing back to me. (This dark hair is just so foreign to me, and I had blond and red highlights before.)
I'm having to watch what I'm eating again. Bummer! I'm up to 122 pounds, which is fine, but I'm noticing that it's not all muscle. When you factor in the muscle that I will be continually building as my butt, leg, hip muscles are developed, that would put me heavier than I want to be (and who wants belly flab!). So, I'm trying to be more mindful, I've made it to the gym a number of times (which feels really good!) and plan to become more consistent, and this too is a lot more like "normal" to me.
The back of my leg is really "zingy" now. The nerves are regenerating, but this means that shaving is torture! It's like getting constant electrical shocks all down the back of my leg! Sometimes, I get zinged when nothing is touching it. This is progress from numbness. 8)
I finish my physical therapy next week, and the rest is in my hands. Willem says it will take at least a year to get both sides symmetric in look and strength. Now for the discipline to keep up with my exercises! I think I'm going to set a high goal and then bribe myself with a professional massage when I attain it. That should work!
When I had my last CAT scan, I had to have contrast through an IV. It was a very different experience having it taken out because I now have arm hairs. Youch!! Tearing off the tape that keeps the IV securely in 1 place really stung! I hadn't thought about that one!
I had my chest/pelvis CAT scan, and it was clean. Woohoo! I wasn't really nervous about it, but there have been verses about trusting God and songs and such that made me wonder if God was preparing me for another battle. This made me wonder if this CAT scan would reveal something unexpected. It did not. Thank You, God.
My hair is growing back in dark and curly. It's absolutely crazy to be fighting the puffball. However, I am enjoying the new hair style, as much as can be expected. Bob wants it long again. My thought is that I'll take it 1 hairstyle at a time; we'll see what happens. I am still determined to enjoy the variety. I've noticed some grays coming in but am constantly remembering what I said before - gray hair is better than no hair. 8) Also, I was driving the Mazda yesterday and as the sun was shining through the sunroof, I noticed that I have red hairs growing in too! Just like Lyndsey's. It was really nice to see this in that to me it means I'm bouncing back to me. (This dark hair is just so foreign to me, and I had blond and red highlights before.)
I'm having to watch what I'm eating again. Bummer! I'm up to 122 pounds, which is fine, but I'm noticing that it's not all muscle. When you factor in the muscle that I will be continually building as my butt, leg, hip muscles are developed, that would put me heavier than I want to be (and who wants belly flab!). So, I'm trying to be more mindful, I've made it to the gym a number of times (which feels really good!) and plan to become more consistent, and this too is a lot more like "normal" to me.
The back of my leg is really "zingy" now. The nerves are regenerating, but this means that shaving is torture! It's like getting constant electrical shocks all down the back of my leg! Sometimes, I get zinged when nothing is touching it. This is progress from numbness. 8)
I finish my physical therapy next week, and the rest is in my hands. Willem says it will take at least a year to get both sides symmetric in look and strength. Now for the discipline to keep up with my exercises! I think I'm going to set a high goal and then bribe myself with a professional massage when I attain it. That should work!
When I had my last CAT scan, I had to have contrast through an IV. It was a very different experience having it taken out because I now have arm hairs. Youch!! Tearing off the tape that keeps the IV securely in 1 place really stung! I hadn't thought about that one!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Family update
Ethan has decided that he wants to walk, sometimes. He still is really lovey-dovey and has a great dimply smile. He likes to fake laugh now cracks me up. He LOVES Hayden (Jason and Dawn's baby), can't get enough of him...kisses and such. Hayden isn't quite sure what he thinks about it. We really enjoyed having him overnight a couple of weeks ago though!
Lyndsey is taming a little bit. Whew! She's doing great with learning her letters...basically picking it up by herself. I plan to do some "school" stuff with her next school year, if not before. I don't want to miss out on this! She's still struggling to obey rather than do what she wants to do, and to keep her hands off Ethan. *sigh* She's very good with Hayden though!
Anderson is doing great with his reading. He read Member Way on a road sign while we were driving, which I thought was pretty impressive. His mouth looks like a jack-o-lantern. As Ethan gains teeth, Anderson loses! He also figured out that the tooth fairy isn't real. It was a neat conversation, which included an explanation of why he moved his tooth fairy pillow to different spots. (He wanted to help the tooth fairy out, which made life very difficult for me!!!)
Bob rode a bicycle to work this morning - first time. He still isn't home yet. 8) He's had a great time spending money on the accessories that he needs. He's borrowing a road bike right now. Here comes another expense! GREEAATT.
I'm feeling really good. My energy is up, and I'm nearly done all my physical therapy. The Wellness program ended for me last Monday. It will be wonderful to not have appts. 4 days/week. The trick will be keeping myself from filling up the time. I know one thing; I need to tackle this house! We also need to get out for some walks too.
Off to make a new recipe for dinner. We'll see what the kids think of this one.
Lyndsey is taming a little bit. Whew! She's doing great with learning her letters...basically picking it up by herself. I plan to do some "school" stuff with her next school year, if not before. I don't want to miss out on this! She's still struggling to obey rather than do what she wants to do, and to keep her hands off Ethan. *sigh* She's very good with Hayden though!
Anderson is doing great with his reading. He read Member Way on a road sign while we were driving, which I thought was pretty impressive. His mouth looks like a jack-o-lantern. As Ethan gains teeth, Anderson loses! He also figured out that the tooth fairy isn't real. It was a neat conversation, which included an explanation of why he moved his tooth fairy pillow to different spots. (He wanted to help the tooth fairy out, which made life very difficult for me!!!)
Bob rode a bicycle to work this morning - first time. He still isn't home yet. 8) He's had a great time spending money on the accessories that he needs. He's borrowing a road bike right now. Here comes another expense! GREEAATT.
I'm feeling really good. My energy is up, and I'm nearly done all my physical therapy. The Wellness program ended for me last Monday. It will be wonderful to not have appts. 4 days/week. The trick will be keeping myself from filling up the time. I know one thing; I need to tackle this house! We also need to get out for some walks too.
Off to make a new recipe for dinner. We'll see what the kids think of this one.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Vacation Recap - Part 2
We went to Sea World the first day (with Mom, Dad, and Grammie). It was a good day but kind of difficult to figure out how to work this "group in a busy park" adventure. We certainly didn't have a very long list of what we had seen/ridden on by the end of the day, but we did have fun. Even the first day was quite tiring (especially given we were battling the flu), so we checked into the All-Star Music Resort and took naps, going back to Sea World afterwards. The evening was really nice in that it wasn't busy at all. We walked through exhibits and didn't have to worry as much about keeping everybody accounted for. The kids went on the sea carousel (Lyndsey's "wish" item) and climbed with Bob on a huge "jungle gym" of rope ladders, tunnels, and slides. Lyndsey's timidity over it subsided as Daddy went with her and encouraged her. My hip was doing well, but I just didn't have the energy to go on it too. I'm sure part of it was the influence of not feeling great. I decided that it was best not to push it.
The kids were definitely interested in seeing the sea animals and had lots of questions. We saw the Shamu show, but it wasn't all that great since the trainers now don't get in the water with the whales. The kids didn't know what they were missing, which was good. They liked going to the dolphin nursery, and Anderson decided early on that he wanted to feed the dolphins. (It happened our last day at Sea World and was really neat. We got to touch them! Well, Anderson and I did as Lyndsey didn't want to. Bob and Ethan were videoing.) It seemed that the kids liked the moving walkway in the shark tunnel more than being able to look all around at sharks swimming above and below. Go figure! Ethan took it all in though. Our second day back to Sea World (day 6 of our Orlando adventure) was much more eventful. We saw some GREAT shows (dolphins, sea lions, Jack Hanna!), rode the Manta (GREAT rollercoaster - the adults went except from Grammie!), saw the penguins, manatee, and seals, etc. I think that part of the higher level of excitement that I sensed was probably due to good health and the kids understanding how the whole park "scene" works. Mom, Dad, and Grammie had to leave us a bit early to catch their plane, but the kids couldn't last much longer anyway. Day 6 maxed them (well, all of us) out. I was surprised that we didn't cover all of Sea World. But, that's the way it worked out. It was part of learning and accepting that we can't push too hard. I'm really glad that we went 2 days, especially since the kids like animals and sea life so much.
The kids were definitely interested in seeing the sea animals and had lots of questions. We saw the Shamu show, but it wasn't all that great since the trainers now don't get in the water with the whales. The kids didn't know what they were missing, which was good. They liked going to the dolphin nursery, and Anderson decided early on that he wanted to feed the dolphins. (It happened our last day at Sea World and was really neat. We got to touch them! Well, Anderson and I did as Lyndsey didn't want to. Bob and Ethan were videoing.) It seemed that the kids liked the moving walkway in the shark tunnel more than being able to look all around at sharks swimming above and below. Go figure! Ethan took it all in though. Our second day back to Sea World (day 6 of our Orlando adventure) was much more eventful. We saw some GREAT shows (dolphins, sea lions, Jack Hanna!), rode the Manta (GREAT rollercoaster - the adults went except from Grammie!), saw the penguins, manatee, and seals, etc. I think that part of the higher level of excitement that I sensed was probably due to good health and the kids understanding how the whole park "scene" works. Mom, Dad, and Grammie had to leave us a bit early to catch their plane, but the kids couldn't last much longer anyway. Day 6 maxed them (well, all of us) out. I was surprised that we didn't cover all of Sea World. But, that's the way it worked out. It was part of learning and accepting that we can't push too hard. I'm really glad that we went 2 days, especially since the kids like animals and sea life so much.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Vacation Recap - Part 1
Our trip to FL was tiring but went smoothly. We were thrilled to be able to carry all our luggage on and not have to pay extra fees. We even got in a bit early! The kids enjoyed flying, although Lyndsey was nervous during the descent. She held my hand so we wouldn't fall out! She also noticed that when the plane takes off, it goes as fast as Daddy's car! We discovered that Ethan does not nap on planes until he can't possibly hold his eyes open. I had to lull him to sleep back near the engines, bouncing him and swaying. Anderson really enjoyed looking out the window but did not enjoy carting our stuff through the airports. However, when we were renting the car, we met a passenger with a parrot. That was very cool; he told us a lot about it. (It was in a cat carrier, minus the cat.)
We spent he first few days of our vacation in South Pasedena at a condo. It was very nice and allowed us (me) to wind down a bit from all the pre-vacation hoopla and the traveling. I was quite tired and took a lot of naps. The pool was really nice. The kids loved going between the pool and the hot tub - gluttons for punishment, I think. Ethan really liked the water - his first real time in a pool/lake! He laid right back and floated in his life vest. He was very relaxed!
Anderson came down with the flu the morning before we were supposed to leave for Orlando, throwing up and all. Lyndsey also got it. I was praying that the rest of us wouldn't catch it! I had no idea what we were going to do if we were sick the next day. Fortunately, God stopped the flu, and although Bob and I had our moments of not feeling great, we never got sick. (Poor Courtney did the night before they were headed to Orlando!)
We spent he first few days of our vacation in South Pasedena at a condo. It was very nice and allowed us (me) to wind down a bit from all the pre-vacation hoopla and the traveling. I was quite tired and took a lot of naps. The pool was really nice. The kids loved going between the pool and the hot tub - gluttons for punishment, I think. Ethan really liked the water - his first real time in a pool/lake! He laid right back and floated in his life vest. He was very relaxed!
Anderson came down with the flu the morning before we were supposed to leave for Orlando, throwing up and all. Lyndsey also got it. I was praying that the rest of us wouldn't catch it! I had no idea what we were going to do if we were sick the next day. Fortunately, God stopped the flu, and although Bob and I had our moments of not feeling great, we never got sick. (Poor Courtney did the night before they were headed to Orlando!)
Doctor's appt.
Today we had a double doctor's appt. It was Lyndsey's 4-year well-check and a follow-up appt. for Ethan (from the pneumonia/ear infections).
Lyndsey is doing great. She is 39 pounds and 42 inches tall (just tall enough for some of the Disney rides!). That translates to 90-95% in height and 70-90% for weight. She can do things with her hands that are beyond "normal" for her age group, and she peed in a cup! She needed 3 shots and did SUPERBLY! We prayed about it twice last night and once this morning, but I have to say that I was floored with her calmness throughout the whole process. She didn't even whimper! I couldn't believe it (especially since she's still quite tired from yesterday and our last shot experience was horrific - I had even begged Bob to bring her to this dr. appt.)! We are very excited about this major "accomplishment" for Lyndsey, how she saw God take care of her needs and help her.
Ethan is much better from the pneumonia - clear lungs. He still has fluid in 1 ear, so we'll return to the doctor's at the end of May, just to make sure that it goes away. Both kids still have a junky cough, but the dr. says it will eventually go away. This stuff hangs on pretty good.
By the way, Anderson also had a major accomplishment today - his first school concert. He did not want to do it, but he did such a good job singing with the other kids. He did not look like he enjoyed it (reminded me SO much of Jason when he used to have to sing), but he survived. 8) He was very energetic afterwards, so it didn't drain him too much! We were especially happy that Grammie C was able to come special!
Lyndsey is doing great. She is 39 pounds and 42 inches tall (just tall enough for some of the Disney rides!). That translates to 90-95% in height and 70-90% for weight. She can do things with her hands that are beyond "normal" for her age group, and she peed in a cup! She needed 3 shots and did SUPERBLY! We prayed about it twice last night and once this morning, but I have to say that I was floored with her calmness throughout the whole process. She didn't even whimper! I couldn't believe it (especially since she's still quite tired from yesterday and our last shot experience was horrific - I had even begged Bob to bring her to this dr. appt.)! We are very excited about this major "accomplishment" for Lyndsey, how she saw God take care of her needs and help her.
Ethan is much better from the pneumonia - clear lungs. He still has fluid in 1 ear, so we'll return to the doctor's at the end of May, just to make sure that it goes away. Both kids still have a junky cough, but the dr. says it will eventually go away. This stuff hangs on pretty good.
By the way, Anderson also had a major accomplishment today - his first school concert. He did not want to do it, but he did such a good job singing with the other kids. He did not look like he enjoyed it (reminded me SO much of Jason when he used to have to sing), but he survived. 8) He was very energetic afterwards, so it didn't drain him too much! We were especially happy that Grammie C was able to come special!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Home Sweet Home!
You might have wondered why you haven't seen any blog entries for a while. We've been on vacation for 3 weeks! It was great, just what we needed! In the next week or so, I will be blogging about it. In the meantime, this is the adventure of today.
We got up nice and early (as planned) to pack the last bit of our stuff (or should I say that Bob the master packer worked at cramming more clothes and stuff into already full suitcases in an attempt to carry everything on the plane and avoid checked baggage fees?). We left the hotel on-time, which is amazing for us. We got to the airport at a decent time, although certainly not with "plenty of time to spare". Does this surprise you? (All I could think of was my business travel with Alice and how she would keep me in the realm of time to spare. 8) ) Then, the adventure began. The signage was horrible. "All terminals this way" really meant "you could get to all terminals this way but you'll have to walk a mile in and out of buildings". We didn't discover this until, after asking an airport employee who directed us to keep going the direction we were headed, we came to the END of the terminal and no AirTran. Come to find out, we needed a different terminal, and the shuttle to get to it was across the airport thoroughfare. So, "you can't get there from here". This meant trucking all the way back the length of the terminal, down the elevator and out the door to the shuttle stop. We waited a LONG 5-10 minutes for the shuttle to arrive (by this time, we were 1/2 hour from departure and had not checked in nor gone through security) and unloaded everybody and everything to get our 3 children, 4 suitcases, 3 car seats, 3 backpacks, double stroller, an x-ray and 2 misc. bags onto the shuttle. When we arrived at the correct terminal, we found out that we could have just taken a shuttle from the car rental drop-off directly to the terminal. AGGGH!! The kids were WAY worn out as they were shlepping stuff too, I was sweating and breathless between walk/running and trying to motivate the kids to not dawdle, and we were once again hustling the length of the entire terminal to get to our carrier. (At this point, Bob was also double-loaded as Lyndsey couldn't handle anymore.)
I wanted to get so frustrated, but God showed me the teachable moment. I was able to talk with the kids about my having a choice about the kind of attitude I'd have about all this. I could be frustrated and angry because it was a lot harder than it needed to be and we were in danger of missing the plane, or I could give it to God and just try to maintain a good attitude. (Anderson, especially, has been struggling with getting upset about things/deciding they're "boring" or not good enough, etc., when the situation looks more like he's choosing to look at the negative over the positive. I wouldn't say that he's pessimistic in general, but we've been seeing a lot more pessimistic tendencies lately. Hopefully, it's just a phase as life is much easier/more enjoyable when the glass is half full rather than half empty.) So, God used Anderson's struggles to help keep my attitude and perspective in check.
When we got to the terminal, the airline employee said she didn't know if she'd be able to log us in. The computer let her, and we were instructed to run. Ha, ha. Through airport security with 3 kids, 4 suitcases, ... you get the point. Everybody's shoes had to come off, and I had to be hand-wanded due to my metal hip. It was insane, but we got through and RAN to the gate. When we arrived, the airline employee was NOT happy to see us with all our stuff. The others were very nice, and we got everything tagged for under the plane (car seats and stroller), suitcases and children onto the plane, and everybody seated with NO time to spare. (Our seats weren't together, so Bob and I really had to divide and conquer. I felt like an exhausted, crazy lady, and Ethan was complaining because of how I had to carry him. Poor kid.) Fortunately, the woman that Anderson, Ethan, and I shared a row with was very understanding and encouraging. She and I had a great conversation during the 2 hour flight where I didn't have any of the entertainment/food that I had packed for the kids since our bags had been put in any bin where there was space. We managed though. That was the first leg.
At the end of the first leg, Lyndsey and Ethan fell asleep. Bob had to wake Lyndsey up, and she was NOT a happy camper. She wouldn't follow him off the plane because she wanted to be carried, so I had to go back to herd her out. That was just the beginning. I won't go into details, but the bottom line is that Bob and I were beside ourselves trying to get everybody and everything onto the second plane. Anderson was extremely cooperative, and we were SO thankful. He responded well to pretending that we were race cars in a race. I was the commentator in the rear calling out the progress of race car Anderson, and yes, he did make it to the lead. I honestly wondered if we were going to make it getting everything to the gate and onto the plane. God got us there though. The next thing was for Him to show us how to parent Lyndsey as she was in hysterics by this point. Once I got the snacks out, I realized that part of the problem might have been hunger. It was past lunch time, and the kids just kept eating and eating. This doesn't provide an excuse, but I did learn that when you need cooperation in a very timely manner, make sure their bellies are reasonably full. It sets you up for success rather than providing another thing they have to overcome. Lesson learned. Fortunately, everybody's mood/attitude improved. Thank You, God, for helping us make it to Boston...whew.
Grammie C. met us at the airport. We were all very happy to see her, especially the kids. No problem cooperating now! 8) It was cute to see Anderson and Lyndsey excited to tell her stories about what had happened since we saw her 1.5 weeks ago. Of course, one of the first things they exclaimed was, "We almost missed the plane!" Yep, ratted out every time. 8)
We actually reached home around 5 and at right away. Bob did a lot of unpacking, and I worked on groceries and childcare. I'm pleased with what we've accomplished tonight, although there is still LOTS to do over the next few days.
We got up nice and early (as planned) to pack the last bit of our stuff (or should I say that Bob the master packer worked at cramming more clothes and stuff into already full suitcases in an attempt to carry everything on the plane and avoid checked baggage fees?). We left the hotel on-time, which is amazing for us. We got to the airport at a decent time, although certainly not with "plenty of time to spare". Does this surprise you? (All I could think of was my business travel with Alice and how she would keep me in the realm of time to spare. 8) ) Then, the adventure began. The signage was horrible. "All terminals this way" really meant "you could get to all terminals this way but you'll have to walk a mile in and out of buildings". We didn't discover this until, after asking an airport employee who directed us to keep going the direction we were headed, we came to the END of the terminal and no AirTran. Come to find out, we needed a different terminal, and the shuttle to get to it was across the airport thoroughfare. So, "you can't get there from here". This meant trucking all the way back the length of the terminal, down the elevator and out the door to the shuttle stop. We waited a LONG 5-10 minutes for the shuttle to arrive (by this time, we were 1/2 hour from departure and had not checked in nor gone through security) and unloaded everybody and everything to get our 3 children, 4 suitcases, 3 car seats, 3 backpacks, double stroller, an x-ray and 2 misc. bags onto the shuttle. When we arrived at the correct terminal, we found out that we could have just taken a shuttle from the car rental drop-off directly to the terminal. AGGGH!! The kids were WAY worn out as they were shlepping stuff too, I was sweating and breathless between walk/running and trying to motivate the kids to not dawdle, and we were once again hustling the length of the entire terminal to get to our carrier. (At this point, Bob was also double-loaded as Lyndsey couldn't handle anymore.)
I wanted to get so frustrated, but God showed me the teachable moment. I was able to talk with the kids about my having a choice about the kind of attitude I'd have about all this. I could be frustrated and angry because it was a lot harder than it needed to be and we were in danger of missing the plane, or I could give it to God and just try to maintain a good attitude. (Anderson, especially, has been struggling with getting upset about things/deciding they're "boring" or not good enough, etc., when the situation looks more like he's choosing to look at the negative over the positive. I wouldn't say that he's pessimistic in general, but we've been seeing a lot more pessimistic tendencies lately. Hopefully, it's just a phase as life is much easier/more enjoyable when the glass is half full rather than half empty.) So, God used Anderson's struggles to help keep my attitude and perspective in check.
When we got to the terminal, the airline employee said she didn't know if she'd be able to log us in. The computer let her, and we were instructed to run. Ha, ha. Through airport security with 3 kids, 4 suitcases, ... you get the point. Everybody's shoes had to come off, and I had to be hand-wanded due to my metal hip. It was insane, but we got through and RAN to the gate. When we arrived, the airline employee was NOT happy to see us with all our stuff. The others were very nice, and we got everything tagged for under the plane (car seats and stroller), suitcases and children onto the plane, and everybody seated with NO time to spare. (Our seats weren't together, so Bob and I really had to divide and conquer. I felt like an exhausted, crazy lady, and Ethan was complaining because of how I had to carry him. Poor kid.) Fortunately, the woman that Anderson, Ethan, and I shared a row with was very understanding and encouraging. She and I had a great conversation during the 2 hour flight where I didn't have any of the entertainment/food that I had packed for the kids since our bags had been put in any bin where there was space. We managed though. That was the first leg.
At the end of the first leg, Lyndsey and Ethan fell asleep. Bob had to wake Lyndsey up, and she was NOT a happy camper. She wouldn't follow him off the plane because she wanted to be carried, so I had to go back to herd her out. That was just the beginning. I won't go into details, but the bottom line is that Bob and I were beside ourselves trying to get everybody and everything onto the second plane. Anderson was extremely cooperative, and we were SO thankful. He responded well to pretending that we were race cars in a race. I was the commentator in the rear calling out the progress of race car Anderson, and yes, he did make it to the lead. I honestly wondered if we were going to make it getting everything to the gate and onto the plane. God got us there though. The next thing was for Him to show us how to parent Lyndsey as she was in hysterics by this point. Once I got the snacks out, I realized that part of the problem might have been hunger. It was past lunch time, and the kids just kept eating and eating. This doesn't provide an excuse, but I did learn that when you need cooperation in a very timely manner, make sure their bellies are reasonably full. It sets you up for success rather than providing another thing they have to overcome. Lesson learned. Fortunately, everybody's mood/attitude improved. Thank You, God, for helping us make it to Boston...whew.
Grammie C. met us at the airport. We were all very happy to see her, especially the kids. No problem cooperating now! 8) It was cute to see Anderson and Lyndsey excited to tell her stories about what had happened since we saw her 1.5 weeks ago. Of course, one of the first things they exclaimed was, "We almost missed the plane!" Yep, ratted out every time. 8)
We actually reached home around 5 and at right away. Bob did a lot of unpacking, and I worked on groceries and childcare. I'm pleased with what we've accomplished tonight, although there is still LOTS to do over the next few days.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Just wanted to let you know that Ethan is quite sick. Basically, it seems that he has been sick for the entire month of March, one thing right after another. He's cutting at least 3 teeth, so that has probably lowered his immunities. Yesterday, the dr. diagnosed him with pneumonia and a double ear infection. Poor guy! He's pretty miserable, but we have seen a slight improvement since he started the nebulizer treatments and the antibiotic. We heard his first non-crying sounds ("talking") last night, the first time in days as Bob pointed out. I'm hoping we'll see great improvements tomorrow.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bounce House
Tonight was a lot of fun. We had a family night at church. There was a bounce house to keep the kids occupied while the parents heard a speaker. Afterwards, I went in the bounce house. It was great!!! I think that part of the reason that it was so much fun is that it was hard for me to keep my balance (kind of like when I was a kid). It was an EXCELLENT workout for my hip, and I had so much fun bouncing and falling with Anderson and Lyndsey. Ethan even played with us in there a little bit (and Bob too). I think that Lyndsey enjoyed playing in there with me the most; we held hands and bounced and fell...giggle, giggle, giggle. It was a great time and one I'll always treasure in the "great memories" section of my brain. It's kind of neat to see that my hip replacement helped me to actually have MORE fun than the average adult. Go figure!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
One year ago...
Well, today is the anniversary of my hip surgery to remove the cancer. I cannot believe that a year has passed. I find myself thinking a lot about all the things that I'm thankful for that people gave, said, did over the last year. God went above and beyond through so many different people; I am still amazed.
I really need to get to bed. If you think of it, pray for the kids. I think that things are starting to catch up with them, and my leaving for appointments usually leads to tears for them. It's hard.
Have we returned to "normal life" yet? Sort of, I guess. Things are very busy, especially with my 5 days/week of appts related to physical recovery. That is taking its toll, especially on the kids, but we will persevere. It definitely is helping me physically. I'm again running up and down the stairs to get out the door "sort of" on time. I can lift Ethan off the floor with ease and carry him around the house. I've even wrestled a bit with Anderson and given Lyndsey a piggy back ride. I don't have hip pain, although all my muscles are usually sore due to all the "new" use and regeneration that is happening. My limp is still there but definitely improving. I also have arm muscles again (small, but they are there)! I'm building up endurance (cardio-wise) and my balance has improved tremendously. My hair is growing well...I actually had my first haircut today! It's been over a year since I've had my hair done, and boy, was that nice! Even though my hair is very short, I felt quite girly, which is something I've struggled with. It has been very helpful having eyelashes and eyebrows again. I won't take it for granted being able to wear mascara!
I really need to get to bed. If you think of it, pray for the kids. I think that things are starting to catch up with them, and my leaving for appointments usually leads to tears for them. It's hard.
Ethan turned 1!!
I can't believe it! My precious preemie is 1 year old, and there isn't anything preemie about him. He's actually more "sturdy" in his physique than either of the other kids. He's walking with coaxing, determining that he has eating/drinking preferences (drinks can't be too cold, doesn't care for carrots, won't eat what he is given when he sees something on the table that he prefers), using sign language, expresses frustration with Lyndsey (sort of like a cry for help from Mumma), claps, jumps on the trampoline, etc. We had a "friends" birthday last Thursday (Winnie the Pooh cake - photo below), and we'll have his "family" party this Saturday (Tigger cake). He definitely loves cake!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Crazy storm
Amazingly, we didn't lose power at all. The wind here was INCREDIBLE, but we'd had Dad cut the dead/dying trees last year. So, we fared wonderful well. I'm so thankful as many people lost power for quite a while. Mom and Dad, Jason and Dawn, and Beth Anne were all without power for days.
Ethan had trouble sleeping during the storm. I think that the wind kept waking him up (it sounded like a freight train!), and then he'd cry and cry. Finally, after a few tries of putting him back to sleep, we realized that maybe he was a bit scared too. So, we put him in bed with me while Bob was working on my closet. (Woohoo!) Ethan can't sleep all cuddled up, so I just leaned my head against his. That seemed to do the trick as he fell soundly asleep. Hours later, Bob put Ethan back in his own bed and reclaimed his side of our bed.
Ethan had trouble sleeping during the storm. I think that the wind kept waking him up (it sounded like a freight train!), and then he'd cry and cry. Finally, after a few tries of putting him back to sleep, we realized that maybe he was a bit scared too. So, we put him in bed with me while Bob was working on my closet. (Woohoo!) Ethan can't sleep all cuddled up, so I just leaned my head against his. That seemed to do the trick as he fell soundly asleep. Hours later, Bob put Ethan back in his own bed and reclaimed his side of our bed.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
We've had some great Ethan moments lately. Last weekend was his baby dedication, a very special day for him as well as us. For us, it's a time to formally ask for help in raising Ethan to love and serve God. He is God's child, and we want to remember our purpose in the time that we have with him.
This weekend, Ethan started walking! He has taken a step here and there, but now it's a few steps in a row. He still definitely prefers crawling, but that won't last too long.
Ethan also had his first drink of cow's milk. He really liked it; it's the first time I've seen him try to drink from his sippee cup independently. We'll see how it settles with his system. 8)
This weekend, Ethan started walking! He has taken a step here and there, but now it's a few steps in a row. He still definitely prefers crawling, but that won't last too long.
Ethan also had his first drink of cow's milk. He really liked it; it's the first time I've seen him try to drink from his sippee cup independently. We'll see how it settles with his system. 8)
Valentine's Day
I realized that Bob's and my last "normal" date was Valentine's Day 2009. I was in considerable pain but managed to enjoy the steak at Texas Roadhouse. How far we've come since a year ago! We had a good Valentine's Day 2010 - even danced! It was very hard for me to shift my weight on and off my "bad hip", but it was well worth the effort. I look forward to dancing easily again, and it will come.

This was the first time I went out without something covering my head. It felt very strange, and a bit daring, but I soon forgot I was sporting a short 'do. I definitely was happy to have my Lyndsey "baby earrings" to spruce things up. I'm getting a styling "trim" this week and am really looking forward to it. As Grampa used to say, "It's touching my ears" (implying that it's time for a trim).
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hayden has arrived!
Many of you have probably already heard, but Hayden Daniel Covill has finally arrived! He was born at 11:52 on Feb. 3 at a nice 7.5 pounds. We are so excited that this long-awaited gift from God has finally come!!! The kids couldn't see him (except through a window) due to the hospital rules, but I got to hold him! He even opened his eyes and looked at me!
Anderson was acting a bit odd about seeing Hayden, but I later realized that he didn't know what to make of my (and others in the family) being so wound up over Hayden's arrival. My Mom, ever the wise one, suggested that maybe he was feeling a bit jealous or displaced or something. So, we started talking about what his and Hayden's relationship might be like - whether Hayden will laugh histerically at him like Ethan does. This seemed to help matters. We have yet to spend any time with Hayden as a family since Ethan was very sick last week, so we'll see how the kids react to that. I will also try to tone it down a bit. 8)
By the way, Ethan is a lot better now. He still has a yucky cough, but the antibiotics seem to be helping. The dr. thought that maybe he was trying to come down with pneumonia. The nebulizer also helped significantly. I'm so glad that the high fevers are gone (his temp. peaked at 105.7 on scary but definitely a time to remember that he is God's child)! He's still a bit tired but acting MUCH more like himself. And so far, none of the rest of us seem to be getting sick.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Christmas Photo
Here is one of my favorite photos from this Christmas. It was so great to spend time with Dan as it had been a whole year since we last saw him. This was also the first time that he met Ethan. I just loved watching him play with the kids; they think he's GREAT! It's funny because we had a waiter at Friendly's (back in November) named Dan. We went back to Friendly's this week, and Anderson remembered him (mentioned it as he saw Dan across the room). It's because he had associated him with Uncle Dan. Awww! (Lyndsey kept wanting to call him "Uncle Dan" because in her mind, there is no other Dan except her uncle. This guy must have the same exact name too!)
I am also very pleased to notice that I look very different now from when this photo was taken. Woohoo! I have eyelashes and eyebrows!! My hair is also a lot longer. I'm actually getting ready to book my first haircut (actually a hair "shape"). I actually wake up with bed head, and get hat head, now! My nails are still a wreck though. I'm getting close to where my toenails will have completely grown out the "chemo toe nail". I hadn't realized how gross they looked because Aunt Carol (and Beth Anne) did such a good job keeping those nails painted! God provided in even the small things.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
We've been trying to slow it down but not so successfully. With appts. every day Mon.-Fri., life feels very busy. God has blessed us with a babysitter that comes 3 days/week to feed the kids lunch and put them down for naps while I'm at the Wellness Program. Mom still comes 1 day/week, which is the day when I try to schedule all the random appts. and have physical therapy. She also catches me up on cleaning and such. It's exciting to see that lately she's not having to do as much. Although she always finds stuff to do, it's nice that she can be "Grammie" more too, doing crafts and playing. My other day of p.t. is in early evening so Bob is home with the kids. I am making great progress physically, gaining strength daily. I still have quite a way to go, but it's still very encouraging.

Lyndsey has kept me laughing. She was playing Grammie. She told me that her dolls were her grandchildren, but she calls them "Grand". What a hoot! Another time, Lyndsey and I were talking in the van on the way to Bible study this morning. Lyndsey asked me why we have cold, warm, and hot water in our homes. I asked her why she thinks we do. This question was a bit much for her, so I decided to break it down. "What do we use cold water for?" I asked. (I was thinking she might say "to drink" or "to brush our teeth".) Her response, "To wash with when we pee in our undies". HA! HA! HA! (For those of you who might have forgotten, Lyndsey's peeing in her undies was way out of hand, so her consequence was a cold bum washing to clean her up. She had figured out that if she turned on the water, it wasn't so bad since she could make it just cool. Well, I one-upped her [this time] and would run the water on cold to make sure that it was frigid. This deterred her and she's doing much better. Apparently, it made an impression!) If you're curious about her other answers, they were "to wash things" for the hot water and "fix things" [like wetting hair to comb it] for the warm water. Here's a photo of what I found 1 day - she had taken my baby carrier from where it was packed and utilized it for her big baby doll. Of course, 1 baby is never enough so she had the other one slung over her shoulder. The glasses are crazy ones she got from Anderson's teacher. (Lyndsey has made a friend.)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
We were able to go to Pittsburg! It was wonderful - being with the whole family (Dan was home from CO). We saw many cousins and their families, which was great! Below is a photo of me, Ryan, and Jen. We actually got to hang out with them and their families (and parents!) twice over Christmas break. What a treat!
I've also attached some photos of our Christmas at home. Lyndsey got a microphone for Christmas (what were we thinking!). She has been playing church ever since.
What was my favorite Christmas present besides being with family? Bob bought me a piece of "baby jewelry"...a beautiful aquamarine pendant on a rose gold chain. It's very unique, and I really like it.
We did surprisingly well in December, in spite of all the extra preparations for Christmas. I had a lot of fun shopping for gifts to buy for loved ones (thanks to Mom and Diane C.!), both because I was able to be "out" and also to be able to give back. We tried not to book too much with the kids, to have the season be a bit more laid back. It's always tough, and I'm not sure if we succeeded or not. Bob and the kids got sick (hard cold), but once again, God spared me from it. My physical stamina is very low, but I'm seeing progress. I'm continually amazed at some of the things I can do. One fun event this month was going to Anderson's classroom to make gingerbread houses. I helped the kids, and Lyndsey was able to also make her own gingerbread house. Fun was had by all! Here's a photo of Anderson eating his house.
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